OT: My update!!! Good News!!!!
Today I saw a new oncologist who has been specializing in womens cancer for 25 years. AWESOME doctor. Very thorough in his exam and in his explanation of everything that will happen from here. He did another colposcopy minus the biopsy part and a pap smear. He said he couldn't clearly " SEE" anything with the colpo which is a REALLY good thing. That means the cancer cells have not risen far enough to the surface for them to call it out and out cancer yet. He did say though that there is always a chance that they may have because my abnormal cells were all located ina part of the cervix that he can't see and/or get to doing that or a pap because of the pregnancy. So we wait for the results of the pap to come back and go from there.
As long as it comes back just abnormal without any standout cancer all they are going to do is two more paps before I deliver and then 6 weeks afterward they will do another biopsy and decide course of action from there.
This onco believes he may still be able to save me from a hysterectomy with constant monitoring and check-ups, so I may be able to have more children after this one. That will all depend on how the biopsy after I deliver comes back.
In the meantime, maternal fetal medicine is tracking the length of my cervix and doing bi-weekly pelvic exams and bi-weekly trans-vaginal scans to ensure that if I do have an incompetent cervix they catch it before it gives me any problems.
Ohhh and the oncologist said that barring any major chances in the cancer cells I should be able to carry to term and VERY possible have a vaginal birth instead of the early early c-section as they originally told me :-)
As long as it comes back just abnormal without any standout cancer all they are going to do is two more paps before I deliver and then 6 weeks afterward they will do another biopsy and decide course of action from there.
This onco believes he may still be able to save me from a hysterectomy with constant monitoring and check-ups, so I may be able to have more children after this one. That will all depend on how the biopsy after I deliver comes back.
In the meantime, maternal fetal medicine is tracking the length of my cervix and doing bi-weekly pelvic exams and bi-weekly trans-vaginal scans to ensure that if I do have an incompetent cervix they catch it before it gives me any problems.
Ohhh and the oncologist said that barring any major chances in the cancer cells I should be able to carry to term and VERY possible have a vaginal birth instead of the early early c-section as they originally told me :-)
Thank you so much! Look we are due within days of each other!! What is your due date? February 7th? Mine is the 3rd. We may wind up having same birthday babies! How is everything going for you? I have felt so much better nauseous and throwing upwise over the past 2-3 weeks! YAY! And after today's appointment I feel 100% better than I did before! All good stuff!
You might be right my original due date was February 7th but it got moved to February 17th. BUT as we all know it's not exact science and since I had 2 previous C-sections this one will be a schedule C-section. THIRD time around. YIKES! I already know the sex of the baby since I am 41 years old and had to have genetic testing done. I have a boy and girl so I am just hoping for a healthy and happy baby. I am glad things are looking so good for you and your prognosis is good. Very good to hear.
You might be right my original due date was February 7th but it got moved to February 17th. BUT as we all know it's not exact science and since I had 2 previous C-sections this one will be a schedule C-section. THIRD time around. YIKES! I already know the sex of the baby since I am 41 years old and had to have genetic testing done. I have a boy and girl so I am just hoping for a healthy and happy baby. I am glad things are looking so good for you and your prognosis is good. Very good to hear.