Update on Bladder Infection
i had that happen to me once... I asked the doc what to do... he said if you have a shower head that you can move (you hold it in your hand) to use it to help keep the area clean and dry to help cut down the issue...
At the time when he told me about the blueberries the cranberry pills had a lot of fillers and my doc said not to get them... now they are good to have and totally forgot about those lol... I have them on hand so sorry I forgot about those lol...
Sometimes when I get that really bad puffy feeling I will eat the yogurt (and take the acidpohilis pills) and then take the anitboitics... or toast and then the drugs... it seems to help that since I have had gastric bypass...
but I always try to keep acidphoilis pills on hand... if you get super sick get them at the health food store... they have fresh live ones in a fridge section... and they work super fast and amazing... but they cost a lot more than the ones not in the fridge... also great if you ever get a super super bad yeast infection from drugs...