Hi Everyone,
I am in the six month, pre surgery stage.
Everything is going well.
Today, I am concerned more than usual about my hair loss.
About a year ago my pcp said that my hair was probably thinning due to stress... and today both my daughter and husband commented that my hair is looking thinner than usual.
So I feel that I will be double whammed after the surgery. (when it comes to hair loss.)
Is there anything I can do now to reduce or stop this problem? I appreciate any advice. Thank you
I don't know what to tell ya about pre surgery wise and hair loss... but stress can cause it... talk to your PCP again and see what he says... there is some shampoos that have worked for some... I know Ulta carries it... it was designed for cancer patients... it starts with an N... forget it's name... it didn't work for me... but it might work for you... and if it doesn't they will let you return it but a certain %age has to be left in the bottle...
I am still pre-surgery but have been going to group support sessions. My doctor and the support group told me that some people will have temporary hair loss between 7 and 10 months after surgery that will last for about 4 months.
My doctor put me on 5000 mcg of biotin about 2 months ago. I am scheduled for surgery in 10 days so I am helping the biotin might help.
I also have been taking propecia which is another hair growth pill for men. You might want to supplement biotin with Roganie for Women for a few months.
Good luck, it should be temporary, so don't add additional stress on yourself.
I know that my hair thinned when my thyroid meds were out of whack (pre surgery) and when I was under alot of stress. Doyou have thyroid issues? Have you been tested recently?
Are you on any other meds that might have side effect of hair loss?
Are you eating enough protein? Taking vitamins?
Check with your PCP and your nutritionist to see if they can suggest some supplements for pre surgery.
I'll ask my pcp about side effects of hair loss, with the medicines that I am on currently.
I need to know how much protien to be taking now.
I'll check with the nutritionist also about supplements I can take before surgery.
Thanks again for the advice... Susie