Portion question
I'm now making the shift to more "regular" foods and have a question. I understand from the Barix nutritionists that the general portion guideline is 1/2 cup.
That works for chili, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, etc.
But...I also understand that the general portion guideline for chicken, fish, etc. is 2 oz. Does this mean that I would also have 2 oz. of a veggie with the chicken or fish? Or should I consider my portion of chicken or fish in terms of how it would fit into one of my little 1/2 cup measuring cups?
Hate to be such a linear thinker, but those little 1/2 cup Gladware cups have been invaluable! I just don't want to shortchange my protein grams!
That works for chili, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, etc.
But...I also understand that the general portion guideline for chicken, fish, etc. is 2 oz. Does this mean that I would also have 2 oz. of a veggie with the chicken or fish? Or should I consider my portion of chicken or fish in terms of how it would fit into one of my little 1/2 cup measuring cups?
Hate to be such a linear thinker, but those little 1/2 cup Gladware cups have been invaluable! I just don't want to shortchange my protein grams!
to help me with this when I was out etc... I got these-
https://www.pamperedchef.com/ordering/prod_details.tpc?prodId=9792&words=prep bowl
They have measurements on the side... so say if I was making pudding ... I could measure out 1/2 cup into the bowls and then when I needed a snack I could just grab it and go without worrying...
Also I would do 3oz of meat and 1 oz of veggie/fruit... but that early out I really didn't do veggies... didn't have room for them lol...