Need a little advice...I was released from the hospital with no diagnosis

Jena B.
on 8/18/09 6:10 am - Baden, PA
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't really posted anything recently (besides the support group stuff). I was in Magee Women's Hospital Sunday through late last night. It ws pretty scary stuff to be honest. I posted something about it on the RNY board, so if you've already read it, I apologize for posting something of similar topic twice, but I really need some advice to keep me from going crazy. I warn you this is very long...

Saturday morning I woke up with no real appetite, which isn't odd for me but I ate a few pieces of jerky and I went to starbucks and got a sf iced caramel macchiatto. I drank about 1/3 of it and started to get those "carb hot flashes" so I stopped drinking it. By the time I reached my friend's house, I felt nausiated and wound up vomiting bright pumpkin orange. I did not eat anything this worried me a bit.
My friend and I went to Chilis for dinner, and I had originally ordered a mesquite chicken salad (which they made wrong) that i sent back. We were pressed for time, because we were going to see a movie so I just got a kids quesadilla and a few bites of mashed potatoes. Yes, I'm aware it wasnt the best choice, but I hadn't ate anything all day and had every intention of drinking a shake to even things out.
A few hours later I felt like I just had some air trapped, so I took some gas ex around 12am.  I went to bed around 1am. I woke up at 2am with a stabbing pain all over the upper left side of my abdomen, so i took some more gas ex and tried to lay down. It hurt to lay on my left side, or even flat, so on my right side I tried to sleep again to no avail.
By 3am the pain was so bad that I couldn't breathe deep without it hurting, couldnt walk or stand up straight. It hurt so bad. I waited until 9am to call the dr. He suggested trying to eat something to see what happened and when it didnt go down, he said to come to the ER immediately.

When I got there, they did a CT scan, gave me some pain medicine and did blood work. Both the CT scan and the blood work came back normal. I was pretty bloated and the pain was pretty excruciating especially laying on my left side or my back. The only comfortable spot was on my right side elevated.  They decided to admit me to monitor me and do an upper endoscopy in the morning. I had a PCA pump of dilauded and still was in pain. After the scope, they couldn't find anything abnormal so they basically ruled out every possible life-threatening condition I could have and they had no choice but to send me home.

Their only explanation was that maybe my bowels were inflamed, which caused some constipation and gas that is trapped and after a good BM, things should feel better.  I have had a BM after taking some milk of magnesia and the pain is still there however it is now more towards the center of my abdomen.

Does anybody have any clue as to what this is or has had this problem before?

Oh and if anybody is wondering, the hospital and staff of Magee Women's hospital deseve a deffinate 5 star rating. They were the kindest people I've ever met.

Thank you, Kara for coming and sitting with me in the hospital Sunday night and making me laugh. You are such an amazing friend and you are BEAUTIFUL darling!
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Lois G.
on 8/18/09 6:35 am - Ashland, PA
How long are you out?  I had all those test done this past month, plus some others, and same thing, nothing they can find, so my surgeon suggested I start to take miralax daily, it has been two weeks now and the pain has not come bowel was full when they first did the catscan, and my upper gi showed everything normal and my endoscopy who knows, I had an internal hernia repair the one year after my surgery, and now being out two years in april thought maybe it came back....they couldn't see anything and he said he wouldn't go in unless he knew what he was going after?  try the miralax, I put it in my coffee in the morning, no taste at all, and if you get the pain again, and you know you did everything right, go right back to know your body and you need to see the doctor again if it persists..........Lois
on 8/18/09 6:53 am - Drexel Hill, PA
You know - it sounds like what I went through in Argentina (don't know if you saw my post from back in late May).

Can't write a lot right now but basically they ruled it as food posioning which caused an inflamed bowel.  After about 2 days I felt better but was on a liquid diet for a few days before I could handle solids.

PM me if you'd like more details. Are you on Facebook?

Jena B.
on 8/18/09 7:00 am - Baden, PA
Hmm food poisoning? Never thought of that. Yes I have facebook!
Search Jena Lee Bujak
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on 8/18/09 7:00 am - Drexel Hill, PA
I hope this works.... here should be the link to my post a few months ago: 5-day-pouch-test-day-8/

Lauren D.
on 8/18/09 8:09 am - Lorain, OH
 hi jena, 

do you still have your gall bladder?  i know they did all kinds of scans... but who knows!!
       I count protein, fluid ounces, and my blessings everyday. 

Lisa H.
on 8/18/09 10:08 am, edited 8/18/09 10:08 am - Whitehall, PA
OMG JENA... sorry to hear that you are going through this.  I don't have any advice for you, but hope you are feeling better soon.  It could very well be food poisoning, but I would think that the hospital would have caught that. HMMMMM weird.  Dang it.. you called the other day and I couldn't answer the phone.  I forgot to call you back. I am SOOO sorry.  

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Pam Hart
on 8/18/09 8:36 pm - Easton, PA
Well I'm glad to hear about all the tests they did on you....and ruled out all the life threatening issues which are obviously the most important ones.

If it IS chronic constipation or something similar rearing its ugly personal favorite is peri colace 4 tabs at night.  IT does cause some cramping in the morning...but it does move things along!

Hope you feel better REAL soon!

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