Does anybody want to join my Football Pick League
I’m going to be setting a football pool up on Yahoo. It's $2.50 a week, which spread out over a seventeen game season comes out to an affordable $42.50. Thursday, September 10th is the season opener, so I'd like all checks by Friday, September 4th. Up front payment is required.
Weekly first place award will be (# of players) x $1.50. Winners will have the option of being paid immediately, or carrying over their winnings from week to week. And you all know you can trust me to be 100% honest and anal retentive about the bookkeeping.
Each week, (# of players) x $1.00 will be carried over for the end of season awards:
First place: (# of players) x $.55 x 17
Second place: (# of players) x $.30 x 17
Second place: (# of players) x $.15 x 17
Unlike all of the other pickpools I’ve been in, which are bogged down with frustrating tie-breakers, I am going to use confidence points. If there are sixteen games in a week, you assign 16 confidence points to the pick that you are most certain about. You then rank your picks from highest to lowest based upon your level of confidence in the pick. There will still be tie-breakers, but I suspect we’ll rarely have to go to them.
I've already set up the league on yahoo:
If you don't have a yahoo ID, you will have to sign up for one. It's free and only takes a minute or two.
It's a private group, and I will give anybody who wants to join the password once they have paid their $42.50.
This should be a lot of fun, and it’s a great excuse to stay in touch. I’ll also be inviting some of my fraternity brothers, coworkers, family members, and Lehigh Valley friends to join, but I’d love to have some of you guys play.
Let me know if you’re interested, and I'll give you my mailing address for the check. Or, if you're going to see Mary or me in person beforehand, that's fine, you can pay cash or check in person.
I hope some of you guys want to play!
Weekly first place award will be (# of players) x $1.50. Winners will have the option of being paid immediately, or carrying over their winnings from week to week. And you all know you can trust me to be 100% honest and anal retentive about the bookkeeping.
Each week, (# of players) x $1.00 will be carried over for the end of season awards:
First place: (# of players) x $.55 x 17
Second place: (# of players) x $.30 x 17
Second place: (# of players) x $.15 x 17
Unlike all of the other pickpools I’ve been in, which are bogged down with frustrating tie-breakers, I am going to use confidence points. If there are sixteen games in a week, you assign 16 confidence points to the pick that you are most certain about. You then rank your picks from highest to lowest based upon your level of confidence in the pick. There will still be tie-breakers, but I suspect we’ll rarely have to go to them.
I've already set up the league on yahoo:
If you don't have a yahoo ID, you will have to sign up for one. It's free and only takes a minute or two.
It's a private group, and I will give anybody who wants to join the password once they have paid their $42.50.
This should be a lot of fun, and it’s a great excuse to stay in touch. I’ll also be inviting some of my fraternity brothers, coworkers, family members, and Lehigh Valley friends to join, but I’d love to have some of you guys play.
Let me know if you’re interested, and I'll give you my mailing address for the check. Or, if you're going to see Mary or me in person beforehand, that's fine, you can pay cash or check in person.
I hope some of you guys want to play!
Hey Norm, I was showing Johnny the message you sent through FB about it. The both of us would be interested. So send me info via here or FB and I will get $$$ to you for us. I normally do another pool on Yahoo but hate the confidence points thing. I think yours sounds better!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!