Liquid Diet Pre-op info needed
best of luck! You are going to do great!
My surgery is getting so close. Two weeks from Wednesday and I am panicing that I am going to get a cold or something that will cause a delay.
I have my final pre-surgeon appt. tomorrow and medical clearance dr. Wed, followed by all the tests next Tuesday.
Things are moving so quick, I can hardly believe it. I thought for sure each minute would seem like an hour.
I am trying to stay as calm as possible but I guess it's normal between the nerves and the excitement.
Thank you so much again for all your advice.
These 2 weeks will FLY! You'll be fine - take your vites, eat right and make sure you get your fluids in! At leas it is summer times and colds are less abundant - I had my surgery Jan. 30th - I was scared to death of getting sick and basically became a hermit for the 2 weeks before! lol
Just remember that you made this decision rationally and over a period of time - it is a HUGE decision but you are making the one that is right for you and your family/friends, but most importantly you and your future!!
Some things I reccomend doing before surgery...
1) measurements - a few days before sugery take your measurements (I did waist, hips, thighs, ankles, wrists, forarms, upper arm, bust/chest, and neck) they will help you when the scale isn't
2)picture - non of us like them but having a "starting point" is a great thing to compare too - a lot of people like to do it in the same place every month - in a door frame, infront of a piece of furniture, with your spouse/signifigant other/child/friend - something that gives you a point of comparison
3) write down some goals - crossing your legs, playing football with the kids (sorry I don't remember your family situation), fitting into a certain size, fitting comfortably in a seat at a sporting event / movie theater, getting under 300/200 pounds, bending over to tie your shoes, sitting indian style, hiking - whatever it may be and post it somewhere like the side of your fridge, inside your closet door etc where you can see it all the time and strive for the best!
Most of all enjoy the journey and write down things like wow moments - they are great to look back on later when they are coming fewer and more far between.
Sorry for the novel!
Thank you. I like Liz's 12 liquid diet, much better than the 48 hour
I guess your right that each surgeon has different ways of doing things. I spoke to a friend of mine that had the surgery a couple of years ago. She said that she didn't fill up as quick as she thought. She was always hungry.
I think part of it was how she went about things. When she was on the puree weeks, she was drinking vanilla shakes from McDonalds.
She lost like 80 lbs and put it back, now she is down about 60.
I am going in eyes wide open and I realize the surgey is a tool, and that a lot of work is needed from my end.
She did say that men seem to lose quicker than women after the bypass surgery, do you think that is true?
Thanks again Lisa.
Yep - every surgeon is different, which leads to different patient experiences, as well. I can't recall who you said your surgeon is, but just follow their directions and you'll do great.
Yes, men do TEND to lose weight faster than women. The explanation I've heard for it is that men's frames tend to have greater muscle mass even when obese, and that muscle burns more calories than fat. Personally, I just think it's more of the male conspiracy to keep women depressed ;-). JK of course.
My surgeon required only a 12-hour liquid diet (but a 2-week pre-op low fat, low carb, high protein diet), followed by fasting for 12 hours prior to surgery.
Your friend who had the surgery and was consuming Mickey D's milkshakes certainly didn't do herself any favors. The sugar and fat content is horrendous! Very little nutritional value, so of course she wouldn't feel "full." Plus, the sugar was probably triggering all kinds of hunger and cravings for her! I'm surprised she wasn't dumping all over the place, too, but not everyone does.
Good luck - the time will fly by and you'll do great! Just keep your HEAD in the right place and let the surgeons take care of the tummy.