Okay I need to know something again LOL

(deactivated member)
on 8/17/09 8:11 am - Kirkwood, NY
I am 2 months out today!!! Which is great time has gone by so fast this summer!!! Seems like yesterday I had my surgery. Anyways...I am up to a 1/2 cup of food right now..sometimes I can eat a 1/2 other times I dont finish the 1/2 cup. Anyways...about how long should we be on a 1/2 cup of food? Does anyone know? I also need some help on how the heck do you get all ur fluids in? and for the life of me...guess it could be because I dont have a schedule and really didnt ever have one..but I cannot remember to take my vitamins or to drink. I remember to eat but when Im done eating I lose track of time and forget that I should be drinking. I seem to have a pattern...right now..my iron pills well I dont take them anymore. first off they are way to huge and when I cut them down they taste like crap and still get stuck and its like an hour before i can't feel it anymore. And its prescribed iron Pruvate. I am going to see if I can just take chewable iron pills instead of Pruvate that was prescribed to me. I took away medical coverage until December when enrollment is again untiL i can find a job and when i am working hopefully by December me and hubby will get our medical coverage back. Anyways, Pruvate is going to be expensive to pay for out of pocket with no coverage. I have to call Dr.P and see about that. Does anyone have suggestions on how the heck they get their vitamins and fluids in? Like example of your schedule?
on 8/17/09 8:17 am - Culpeper, VA
Hi, welcome to the new wls life.  It takes while to get the new routine down pat.  Hang in there.  You may want to set reminders for yourself if you have that ability on your cell phone or computer.  I have reminders all the time.  Try Gentle Iron, by Twin Labs, I think.  It is much easier on your tummy.   Don't stop taking your iron.  It will get easier as time goes on.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Liz R.
on 8/17/09 8:44 am - Easton, PA
you will be at 1/2 a cup of food for a long time. I wasn't to that amount that early out but it varies person to person. I can eat about 1 cup of food now depending on what it is - somedays I can eat probably 2 cups of salad (it chews down smaller then say a steak) I can eat about 4oz of meat and maybe 1/4 cup veggies.

As for the vitamins. I take mine all at night, but that being said I don't take iron - you shouldn't take iron and I think calcium at the same time. Take 1/2 of your vitamins with breakfast and 1/2 before bed. I keep mine on my nightstand and take them when I am sitting in bed watching TV at night. I take a handful and space them out over about 1/2 an hour.

As for fluids you just need to force it - always carry a water bottle with you, even at home. I do and on a weekend day when I am home all day I will easily drink a gallon of water without thinking about it! At work I do the same thing - my bottle is always full, every few minutes take a sip. ESPECIALLY in this weather you need to be getting at least 64 ounces - getting dehydrated isn't fun or safe - been there done that! (stomach flu - Pam almost drug my ass to the ER for fluids) Sip Sip Sip! remember things like ice pops and crystal light count towards your fluids!

Hope that all this helps!

on 8/17/09 9:58 am - Wilkes-Barre, PA
First of all, I can't believe it's been 2 months already!!!!  I find that I have to drink 36-40 oz by 2 or I will never finish my liquids. I try to stop at 8 pm or I'll be  peeing all night. So I do my shake (8oz) wait an hour and then do 16 oz. Sometimes I do 16 oz of decaff before my shake.  Then I try my best to get in another 8 oz before lunch. Have lunch, wait an hour, then 16 oz and try to get in 8 oz before dinner if I can. If not then I am usually drinking past 8.  I've found that it's gotten easier the last month so it will probably start getting easier for you.

Vits are another story. I melt calcium in my am shake. Then a dropper of B cmplex.  Multivite with lunch, Multivite with dinner, then calcium with my last liquid. If I do an evening shake I will melt them in.
HW 248.9;SW 221; CW 138.7

on 8/17/09 11:21 am - Doylestown, PA

It's really been 2 months - WOW!  Time does fly!

I wouldn't worry about pushing past 1/2 c of food for quite a while.  Enjoy the gift of not needing more than that to feel full, and use it to maximize your loss at this point.  Your body will tell you if you need more than that, but the goal here is to not stretch your pouch, which will undo all the good you've done. 

As to vits and fluids...  I got one of those day of the week pill containers (labeled mon through sun) and put all my vits (except my iron) into it on Sunday.  Then i put the filled container right by my protein shake stuff because I have that every morning for breakfast.  That reminds me to take the vitamins as well, and I can quickly see whether I've gotten today's.  My iron, I take at night (can't take it within 6 hours of calcium or they cancel each other out), and have another of the little pill containers right by my bedside table with that in it.

For drinking, I pack my lunch every day and make myself a blender bottle of ice water with lemon that goes with me.  I know I need to finish that (28oz) by about 10:30-11:00 am  (just keep sipping periodically) in order to meet my goal for the day (2-1/2 blender bottles = 64 oz).  I refill it at work and finish that before I leave work for the day.  Fill it again when I get home and get as much in as possible before I go to bed.  I also keep it on my bed table so if I get up during the night I have a swig.   Some days, I switch out one of the fills of the bottle with 4C to go, or put something like cucumber, or mint leaves into the water instead of the lemon for variety.  

It's all a matter of getting into a routine.  i had a really hard time meeting those goals and remembering everything on vacation, when I was away from my routine.  Ended up setting alarms in my phone to remind me of things... haha.

Anna D.
on 8/17/09 1:42 pm
I eat about 1/2 cup of food at a time.  Anything more than that is overkill.

I take a chewable multivitamin in the morning with another medication.  Throughout the day I take my citracal pills which is 4 huge pills that I break in half and then suck on and then chew.  Since they're so ridiculously gritty it forces me to drink water which is wonderful!!  Then, later at night, I take another chewable multivitamin and an Iron pill that's pretty small (I bought mine online - two bottles of 100 pills each off amazon or something like that.  What helps is that I have a cup at work that measures 32 ounces and I make sure to drink at least one of those while I'm at work (I work in an office at a computer).  Then when I get home I fill a glass with water after dinner and make sure I drink that before going to bed.

My husband nags me if I don't drink enough.  I hate him for it but also love him for it.  I look at the time when I'm done eating so I know when I can drink again.  I've found that I'm thirsty more often now which is the opposite of how I used to be.  On days where I'm a little low on protein I'll have a glass of skim milk - counts as liquids as well!  Sip when you can.  Find ways to "pep up" your water.

I feel really guilty when I forget to take my meds.

Started research @ 280 pounds
Surgery Date 05/27/09 @ 258 pounds

Pam Hart
on 8/17/09 10:45 pm - Easton, PA
It takes time to get the routine down....

For meds....put them somewhere next to something you do EVERY day...like by your toothbrush or something like that.  That way, when you brush your teeth, you take your vitamins before hand.  The other option is to leave notes around the house....places you are frequently (computer?  TV?  Bathroom mirror?)  When Brian (hubby) was on a bunch of different meds for a few things, I made up a computer spreadsheet (or you can just make it on paper) with the names of the meds going across the top, and then spaces for times going down.  That way he had something to actually LOOK at and it helped him keep track of which meds were due when (because his had to be taken at all different times and frequencies throughout the day)

As far as the liquids go...I physically had to keep a bottle, glass, whatever, IN MY HAND for a long time in order to get the liquids in.  It didn't work if it was sitting in front of me on the table or whatever.   BUT, if I was physically HOLDING my water bottle, I would almost "subconsciously" sip on it and then realize it was done.

Keep in mind things like broth, protein shakes, etc (anything that is caffeine free) not only count towards your protein goal, but ALSO count as fluids.

Iron....DEFINATELY put a call out to Dr. P now...you will need to find something that you can take for iron and need to do so ASAP.  The expense is difficult, but I'm sure there's a way to get something that is reasonable.  Paying a bit out of pocket right now until you can get your insurance back in order will be much less expensive than paying for a hospital stay with blood transfusions - not to mention definately worth the price of your life because iron is so vitally important (as is all of our vitamins) for so many different reasons.

Time certainly has flown....congrats on the two months!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/09 10:59 am - Kirkwood, NY
Thanks for all the replies. They are going to help me figure out my daily routine.
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