Michael Vick has signed with the Eagles for 2 years
Never was an Eagles Fan...and I agree he is a talented althete. I just don't think he should be permitted to profit from his athleticism when the animals he trained and fought were victimized.In my opinion -- Maybe just maybe Vick should be made to pay for the care of the animals ... I believe some of his fighting pack are still residents of the sanctuary DogTown out west.
As humans we can consciously make decisions to do one thing over another. The dogs do what they are taught/trained to do. We as humans were put on this earth to be the guardians of it and all the creatures. Vick failed that responsibility. Yes, he served time in jail.... but some things just should not be allowed to be swept under the carpet. (My opinion of course!)
As humans we can consciously make decisions to do one thing over another. The dogs do what they are taught/trained to do. We as humans were put on this earth to be the guardians of it and all the creatures. Vick failed that responsibility. Yes, he served time in jail.... but some things just should not be allowed to be swept under the carpet. (My opinion of course!)
My husband is a Eagles fan and not sure he can still root for them. We were never fans of Vick, he is very overrated as a quarterback. It makes me sick and embarrassed to live in Philadelphia over his signing. Just because he served time does not change what he did and the joy he got out of it. He has been out of football for 2 years so why was there such a rush to sign this guy right after he got released? It just makes me sick!
I have every intention of going to the first game he plays in simply cause I will be carrying a cattle prod and a bucket of water . Wow did I just say that? I am with Susan and Beth. Somehow when I saw him it made me sick. Yes he served his time but how about those poor dogs? Can they be brought back to life? I have been called closed-minded by others for feeling that way but hey guess what I don't care. I think they should have let Pete Rose back in the game before him. Makes me sick talent or no talent. Its the person behind the talent. I am an animal lover and nothing makes me more nauseous than animal cruelty! And to boot the guy is engaged. What dumb ass would marry him?! And they kicked TO off the team and he did less than Vicks. I would rather have had TO back then Vicks. UGH! Talent or no talent somebody made a poor judgement and it wasn't me. He can donate millions to the SPCA but that doesn't wash the stink or stench off his hands. Everybody has their own type of hell such as Arnold Palmer going to hell and there being a golf course with balls and no clubs well it should be Mike Vicks on a football field with no football to toss. I am ticked!
Dear Eklypse62,
wonder how you would feel if he did that to your dog? Second chances are for people who unintentionally screw up and make good on it. He purposely supported dog fighting and then purposely electrocuted them and hung them I am getting sick just thinking about it. Someone who commits murder human or animal on purpose and you are comparing it to weight loss surgery? I don't think so, If you live near Philadelphia I suggest you keep an eye on your dog or dogs I know I will make sure I know where my 3 dogs are at all times. You are entitled to your opinion and feelings but the rest of us when it comes to being animal lovers which 99% of us are you bet your bottom dollar I see red when it comes to doing what he did. No excuses accepted for what he did. I think someone should do that to him. Second chances for Mike Vick hah! I am embarassed to say he plays for my team. And talented or not he's a dog killer!
wonder how you would feel if he did that to your dog? Second chances are for people who unintentionally screw up and make good on it. He purposely supported dog fighting and then purposely electrocuted them and hung them I am getting sick just thinking about it. Someone who commits murder human or animal on purpose and you are comparing it to weight loss surgery? I don't think so, If you live near Philadelphia I suggest you keep an eye on your dog or dogs I know I will make sure I know where my 3 dogs are at all times. You are entitled to your opinion and feelings but the rest of us when it comes to being animal lovers which 99% of us are you bet your bottom dollar I see red when it comes to doing what he did. No excuses accepted for what he did. I think someone should do that to him. Second chances for Mike Vick hah! I am embarassed to say he plays for my team. And talented or not he's a dog killer!