Funny Wow moment... 4 years post-op
Ok, so I'll be 4 years post -op on September 19th so the wow's aren't around so much anymore but this one was funny and I thought I'd share...
I live not far from a golf course near Roxborough. To get from the club house to the course itself the golfers have to cross traffic in their golf carts. I was the first car at the light when 2 sets of young guys start to go through the intersection. The first two set of guys were checking me out and waving.. I just smiled and giggled a bit.. then as the second golf cart passed through they did the same but the driver kept staring back at me, not paying ANY attention to where he was going. In doing this he ran straight into a fence and hit it so hard that his passenger was almost tossed out of the golf cart. Luckily they both broke into hysterics and I knew they were both Ok... but never in a million years did I think someone would have such a strong reaction to me that they'd risk injury to themselves or a friend . It's also nice to know that even 4 years out you can still be surprised by these little wow's.
Back on track... and enjoying the ride