Dry Hair
A good product that I use for deep conditioning and is pretty cheap is Aussie's 3 Minute Miracle. It's available in most pharmacies and Target etc... I've used it for years and am always pleased. It's about 4 bucks a bottle.
5 years post-op (September 19th 2005)
Back on track... and enjoying the ride
Back on track... and enjoying the ride
coconut oil - it is in the organic section of many stores in a little tub (think crisco) I think that it was maybe $5 for the container and it'll last years. It is like crisco in consistency. I take a warm shower (ho****er strips the natural oils from your hair too) just before you get out rub the oil between your hands - slather it through your hair and all over your body. Get out and pat dry (Don't rub with the towel) wrap your hair in a towel and put on your sexiest long johns and crawl into bed - in the morning wash your hair and your skin and hair will look like a million$$!!! I do this on a friday night because sometimes it takes 2 washings to get all of the extra oil off of your hair (don't want to look greasy after all!) I was doing this every friday though the winter and my skin and hair was a happy camper!!