I gotta vent some where lol...
Besides the fact that they are being jerks, in this economy, they should be considering the efficiency of the a/c - or lack of it that is. Leaving blinds open when the sun in blaring in makes the central air system work even harder to cool, which then affects the cost of electric and therefore, their bottom line. What a bunch of tools.
Hopefully the rest of the week will be a little better for you. It's not supposed to be quite as hot.
And you look so cute in your pic......perfect image of a "glowing" pregnancy.
Take care,
Hopefully the rest of the week will be a little better for you. It's not supposed to be quite as hot.
And you look so cute in your pic......perfect image of a "glowing" pregnancy.
Take care,
Even with all the grief and frustration you are experiencing you look lovely and glowing!!!! I would tell the HR person they need to get you a free standing AC unit for your area if they want to keep the blinds up. I would definitely get a note from the doc (after you show him your "diary" of each thing you've been experiencing each day due to the heat) and have him also recommend a free standing AC unit. Bet the blinds go down then. Other than that, there isn't much I can offer.....as a "little" person here in corporate America I unfortunately know that the desires of the morons (higher ups) is most likely to continue to prevail.......prayers and cool breezes coming your way.
regards, keri
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain. --Author Uknown
Some people are SOOO Stupid and selfish! BTW - LOVE the picture - you look sooo adorable - which, as I remember from being 9 months pregnant - is NOT how you feel! :) I always said that being 9 months pregnant is like June during the school year for a teacher....IT JUST NEEDS TO END! :) Here's to hoping for a comfortble last few weeks and a quick and easy labor! Hey - the those idiots, that you have to leave early due to the stress of the pregnancy. Talk to your doc - get written out now and enjoy these last few weeks if at all possible! :)
I have two words for them Civil Suit I would tell the CFO & the HR person that and they cannot fire you. And as far as the CFO or CEO and his wife this is why alot of people don't think husbands and wives should work for the same company. I agree what is he a plant that needs sunlight? And another thing I am married to a person who does heating and a/c for a living and he has told me that when there is a window involved which in your situation it doesn't stop the heat from coming thru whick is why there is BLINDS duh? Your HR person needs to not pull punches and speak to these people about your discomfort it is her job. Not to be funny but they make small fans that fit on desks you may want to do that. Its a shame you don't live near me or else I would be glad to let you use mine. I personally would have spoken to the CFO/CEO and the wife and professionally told them what the problem is. And as far as pumping at work not to be funny but thats a touchy situation also. I can remember when I worked for a car dealership and someone wanted to do that and they only had 2 bathrooms one was the owner's and the lady had to use the owner's bathroom I feel that they should accomodate you on that too. Hope things work out . If someone even if they are a CFO said that to me there would be hell to pay because I would have something to say to him like "Hey since you like it so much lets switch desks". How would he like it if someone treated the mother of his child that way?
well like I said... i have 3 fans... it doesn't help...
HR chickie needs to catch them messing with the blinds so she can nail them... so for now it is a waiting game... because with the notes from the doctors already in her hand she can toss them at them lol...
What I don't understand is why is there no AC/heating vents by me... hello call in someone and put some in... stupid dorks lol...
First of all in order to put vents in they have to add duct work something I know from being married to an a/c man and second of all HR chickie can generate a general memo to all to please leave the blinds alone because if she points out that you are the one who is bringing this to light then she can creat animosity among you and your co-workers. I personally would get up and close the blinds and "dare" the a$$hole to defy me! Game over and as far as I am concerned there is nothing against company policy as to what you do.