some wows from my trip!
I agree with everybody else Liz. You are such an inspiration. I personally started my two week liquid diet today. Needless to say I am not a happy camper. I got a bottle of water and came in to my computer. There is your very encouraging post. I know I do not have to do this alone. It's a great feeling. Keep up the fantastic work.
Kathy K
Kathy K
You are one of the great leaders on this board and I, for one, always look forward to your posts. You are an inspiration and a reminder not to lose site of the goal that we all set out to score. Your recipies are welcomed and your spirit is contagious. I hope that someday I actually get a chance to meet you. Maybe Thompson will have a Christmas party this year and and we will get to meet.
Thanks for all your wonder advice, caring concern, recipes and sharing.
Awesome is harder to get Wow's as you are further out. I can't remember the last one I had.
But when they's a great feeling. Glad you had a great time! I hope to walk around in a suit like that one day! Still an issue for me!
But when they's a great feeling. Glad you had a great time! I hope to walk around in a suit like that one day! Still an issue for me!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!