anyone with Highmark BC/BS
I have an option of getting highmark BC/BS through my husbands insurance in Jan. 2010 with open enrollment, right now I am still on Medical Assistance following having my son. I was wondering if WLS is easier to get through highmark?? also would like to hear about the process.. from getting a referal to getting the surgery done.. thanks a lot!!!
you will really need to check with the employer.....different companies can all carry different plans of highmark bc/bs and not all will cover WLS. In other words, BCBS for somebody working for company A may not have the same coverage as someone working for company B. It really depends on the company that your husband works for, whether or not they have "purchased" coverage for wls
I have highmark bcbs and i am happy so far.I t is ture that the policy may be different. I wanted to tell you though that i know somebody that had surgery with MA that lives near you and she had a hell of a time . I dont have any advice on that though . Because those plans are not always the same either. good luck