Well now...

on 8/5/09 12:00 am - Lancaster, PA
well then you have made your mind up. Good luck with that. If it is support you want to get from it then good luck.  Seems to me that starting over would be a better idea,,,so you have a chance at actually getting the support you say you want to have. I some how think that is not all there is to this, but anyway that is my two cents. Good luck.
Andy Kovatch
on 8/5/09 12:15 am - York, PA
Thanks Nicole.  Yes, support is all I want out of it.  Otherwise, I wouldn't have put myself out here like this.  People can doubt me all they want, they already have - even those that have never met me.  The fact is I screwed up, I apologized and that wasn't enough.  It may not have come across as the most convincing apology, but I've never been real good at it.  That doesn't make it any less sincere.  This whole drama is getting old and I'm done with it - unless there is another response from someone calling me out on the carpet, then I'm left no chioce but to defend myself.  I've said all I really have to say and I'm ready to move on.  I'm at peace with myself.  Thanks for trying to keep it civil Nicole, it's really all anyone had to do.  There was really no need for some of the grade school name calling that went on in this and the other thread.  Thanks again and take care.

"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!

on 8/4/09 10:16 pm, edited 8/4/09 10:19 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Ok i have  tried to stay out of this and keep my mouth shut but this is the end for me please do me a favor and grab your own b******* and speak from your own mouth and stop saying Dennis this and Dennis that iam really sick of u still today after wanting people to forgive still blaming other people and can this back and forth stop this board is great for support and does not have drama on it so leave it alone Andy like Nicole sd MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was only in your company twice and both times u made rude remarks to me and i have moved on with it so please do the same
Andy Kovatch
on 8/4/09 10:35 pm - York, PA
Hey Kim,
I'm going to assume the b....... in your first sentence is for bullsh.t.  If that's the case I have to correct you.  There was nothing - and I mean nothing - in any of my threads that were bs.  My apology was sincere or I wouldn't continue on with it.  You have no idea how friggin' frustrating it is to have so many people doubt my sincerity and not be able to do anything about it.  My Lord Kim, I used to be a part of the little clique around here for a long time and I made a few mistakes.  I needed some physcological help and I received it.  Now I don't even get the benefit of a second chance.  Like I said in an earlier post, I sure hope none of those that are doing the judging right now ever need forgiveness.  No one on God's green earth has ever come close to perfection.  We all make mistakes.  I've made my attempts to apologize and, yes, it frustrated the heck out of me that I am still having to try to fight my way back into the group.  It's just not right.

As for the two times we were in the same company, I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to rude remarks I made to you.  I've never been anything but nice to you.  Always polite, always nice and always greeted with a smile and a hello.

"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!

Liz R.
on 8/5/09 11:46 am - Easton, PA
My 2 cents - not that anyone cares.... but I have been around long enough to make the comment.

IF apologies are sincere and need to be made - write a letter and stick it in the mail to the people who need to hear it then step back and let them decide if they are going to accept it or not. If not move on and deal with it. A personal letter is going to have a lot more creedence then a message airing your dirty laundry in public - although maybe it is a good thing because then other people were fore-warned.

Barix meetings are open to everyone, and since you were a leader for so long at the Chadds Ford location you will understand that people go to these meetings because they feel secure and accepted - which allows them to be open to share VERY personal information and feelings. If this security is taken away it hurts everyone. So is the support of one person worth sacrificing the support of others? Recent post-ops that really need it? Someone years out that needs to get back on track? If support is so important to you why not consider starting your own back up and get those who can truly support you to come?

I care because people that I care about are being affected. THese are people that I can (and have) called at 5am with news, or that I could call at 2 in the morning in a moment of need. They come to and are welcome in my home and share in all that goes on.

I hope that everyone can move on from here and make the  best of the gift of WLS that we all have.

J. M.
on 8/4/09 10:38 pm
and our next angry post-er is.....   drum roll please.....

~ Jen   

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/09 11:46 pm
No Jen I am not angry but tired of people not accepting that they have burned bridges and refuse to move on.
Andy you can offer the apology but it is a little too late and  many of the  people you have hurt have moved on yet you choose to air the dirty laundry which opened old emotional wounds for the women you hurt so you should not expect rainbows and glitter blown up your ass  feedback. You didn't just break a lamp you hurt woman on an emotional level and now since you aired it all you are acting shocked they are not accepting your apology.

Yes, Andy you have made your apologies but you didn't even own it or your actions. You said you did it because DENNIS told you to do what Kim said was not bull**** but  BALLS. Grab your own balls and own your actions! 

Yes, boo hoo Dennis blocked you well get this he wants nothing to do with you you burned your bridge with him. MOVE ON! Don't go throwing your Bible of forgiveness at him that he will not forgive you just because you are hiding behind God now does not make everything right in the world.  He is tired of your blah blah words month after month if you are going to show up at a Barix support meeting if you don't want drama around it  JUST show up you are giving yourself way to much importance that we all care if you show u*****t.

If your past relationship was worth it to Dennis to salvage he would have answered your phone call or not ignore other emails from you.  Yet he has made the choice to move ahead in his life and you are no longer part of his journey.

Just because you have made an apology does not mean people have to accept or forget your actions of being a predator on women. You need to stop acting like a victim and own your actions that you hurt women. The good thing that came out of it is that you made these women stronger then they already were and have the power to warn others about men like you.

Like Nicole had suggested move on there are other groups for support. Maybe all of your supporters in the Pm's you received will start a support group just for you since you do not seem to be getting what you need here. 

And yes you do not know me personally  but I have been living with the emotional stress you have caused Dennis since the beginning of the year so I do have enough information to comment at this point. And I am the one who told him to just block your damn ass I am tired of your drama taking up my time with Dennis....So you can start adding to your post Dennis' girlfriend Beth told him to block me.....
Melanie B.
on 8/5/09 12:17 am - Doylestown, PA
It's times like this I really wish I could still eat popcorn.


Pam Hart
on 8/5/09 12:20 am - Easton, PA
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/5/09 12:27 am - Gettysburg, PA
I eat popcorn everynight! Shhhh.....don't tell my surgeon! LOL

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



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