Friends after surgery
I feel like im in this weird vortex.
Also the weird thing is now. I am pregnant. And due in jan. People keep telling me or saying to me. Tanya, Are you ok with gaining all the weight back?? WTH?? Really?? do people really think im gonna 100plus lbs in the next 5 months? Is that even possible? I keep telling them I have yet to gain any real weight. I feel like maybe i look like im turning into a beached whale again!! OMG. LOL i think im emotional!!
I have a lot of acquaintences but just a few very close, personal friends and luckily for me I have kept all of them thru fat and not-so-fat - and they were all very supportive of me thru the process and now that I'm closing in on my goal. But I don't see them a lot - we all live at least an hour apart - some a lot more, so maybe absence is a good thing??
On the other hand, we have changed - at least I know I have. I am more confident now - I do more now because I'm able to do more now. I get teased a lot by my friends and family - I'm now cooking more and looking up recipes and seeing how I can make them healthier or something I can eat and tolerate; I love being outside and playing with my flowers, trimming shrubs, etc. - they're all calling me Martha Stewart - and when they see me working out 5-6 times a week I'm called a Fitness Queen - you know what? I don't care!! I love the new me and I hope they love me too, but I can tell in some things that I have changed, and sometimes people can't adjust to that.
Just know that the friends you keep are your true friends and will love you fat, thin, silly, bald, healthy, sick - no matter what. And no, you're not going to gain 100 lbs with this pregnancy - you've probably never been healthier for a pregnancy - tell them that!!
Right now I am dealing with the weight gain back with the pregnancy... personally I'm fine with it... but my high risk doc isn't... my normal ob is fine with it... so I feel like I am in some strange weight triangle... lol... but for me it is strange for half of me to look pregnant and the other half (lower) look fat... the pregnancy has made what was left of my fat roll look strange... it hangs way way lower and has stretched out strange as well... Lorelei keeps asking if there is 2 babies... because in a way I have 2 baby bumps lol...
As for the friend thing the only person that has been strange has been my MIL... I know she supported me in the choice but then fixes things for everyone else and then not me because it is either to high in fat or has sugar in it... and I was fine for a while to bring my own dessert... but now... well I'm sick of it... it's getting old... she will make things free of onions (Jeremy is allergic to them if they are raw or not cooked long enough) or milk free (she is a lactard along with some other family members) but she can't make something sugar free for me... so in my own way I am getting back by making stuff full of milk when I bring something over mahahahaha... i know but I'm tired and just don't care lol...
You know I am really sad I am treated so bad for loosing weight I live in a very small community where everyone know everyone never lock our doors or anything I started my journey 7/08 at 314 in the hospital monthly with asthma attacks now i have lost around 119 lbs since 2/09 and I have no female friends we all use to have pot luck meals at different homes every month thier have been gatherings and we are not invited no one will speak to me my husband wants to move.