First Big Wow!
Hey Pat
Im so happy to hear that your already getting complaments. I had the same kind of experience today. I was in the grocery store with my wife and daughter after checking out we were approched by an employee whom we don't know personally. She asked "are you dieting?" I gladly mentioned the surgery and a successful pre op diet. it felt so nice to have someone who noticed and complamented even thought they didn't know me. Im looking foward to more I hope there's more comming for you.
Im so happy to hear that your already getting complaments. I had the same kind of experience today. I was in the grocery store with my wife and daughter after checking out we were approched by an employee whom we don't know personally. She asked "are you dieting?" I gladly mentioned the surgery and a successful pre op diet. it felt so nice to have someone who noticed and complamented even thought they didn't know me. Im looking foward to more I hope there's more comming for you.