A baby step
Any start is a good start. When my knees were so bad that I could barely walk my PCP said 'sit down and work with hand weights' - move your arms, etc. Its something to get started. And when I began my weight loss surgery journey I could barely walk 10 feet without huffing and puffing, but I got a little dog and he was my incentive to get out and do it. Once I started feeling better walking I joined a gym and progressed from there. I'll never be a fitness queen (I don't think its in my DNA!!) but I do miss my work-outs now when I don't get them in, and you will too someday - I never thought I would, but I haven't done anything since Saturday and I'm aching to get on my bike or back to Curves. So tomorrow morning I'm going to drag my butt out of bed EARLY and ride my recumbant bike because I know I won't get it in at night right now.
As for your planters fascititis I don't know if this will help but my boss and my best friend both have (had) it and they both started doing these yoga stretches before getting out of bed in the morning and it made a huge difference for both of them. Might want to check with your doctors first but it may be an option to help that along as well.
Whatever you choose to do will make a difference, and while it may not seem like a lot to you right now it is going to add up and make you feel so much better - go for it!
As for your planters fascititis I don't know if this will help but my boss and my best friend both have (had) it and they both started doing these yoga stretches before getting out of bed in the morning and it made a huge difference for both of them. Might want to check with your doctors first but it may be an option to help that along as well.
Whatever you choose to do will make a difference, and while it may not seem like a lot to you right now it is going to add up and make you feel so much better - go for it!