A baby step
Hi everyone,
I hope everyone enjoyed their Monday. Well I took a big baby step for me today. My nuitrionist told me I needed to start excercising. I have been foot challenged for about `15 months now with planter's fascititis where the tendon in the foot isn't stretching properly. After 14 doctors and surgery at the end of Feb. I am still in a lot of pain and limping around with a cane. My weight sure doesn't help.
To make matters worse I fell 5 weeks ago on the other foot and thought for sure I broke it. After 6 hours in the ER they told me it was a bad sprain by the big toe.
I have been dealing as best i can, taking 1/2 percoset when unbearable.
So the thought of excerise scared me to say the least, as I didn't know what I could do.
I started slow and did 6 minutes on the bike, 6 minutes on the treadmill (1.7 speed snails pace but an accomplishment) and worked out with some dumb bells.
I am pooped but feel like it was a great sense of accomplishment for me today.
So far, knock on wood, my feet seem ok.
So one little baby step for me today.
I had a bad bout of plantar fasciitis about 12 years ago and you're right - the pain is excruciating. Make sure you get good orthotics and very supportive sneakers to wear so that you don't aggravate it, and avoid walking barefoot or in thong sandals for a few months. That's really the only thing (the support) that will allow the tendons to heal without re-aggravating them.
Given that issue, why not see if your doc will write you a prescription for physical therapy? A therapist may be able to suggest some exercises and stretches that will help the feet and also can guide you in selecting specific other exercises that won't aggravate the problem. Just a thought.
Karen, I hear ya, I have been through 2 rounds of physical therapy and it didn't help. I haven't worn a pair of shoes in 15 months. I have new balance sneaks and just got pressure point inserts from new balance which are helping. I was using superfeet by roadrunner and glad I switched.
Your right on the barefeet though, I do walk around at home barefooted on hardwood floors. I need to get slippers with inserts.
I appreciate the advice.
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
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