OT: Long nite in the ER
I had to call 911 last night to take my mom into the ER - she was having terrible difficulty breathing, cold sweats and heart palpitations. They got in into an ER room asap and believe me it was no easy feat because the ER was mobbed last night - those poor nurses and staff were running around like nuts, but getting the job done.
Turns out my mom was in congestive heart failure and has pnemonia. We sort of figured she had pnemonia but the congestive heart failure was a real shock to both of us because she has never had heart problems before. These chemo treatments are just too strong for her tired little body, I guess, and are more harmful to her now than they would be if they slow the cancer, and we're not even sure they're doing that.
She laid in the ER room until 2:30 AM - they had gotten her stabilized somewhat - oxygen level better - heart rate coming down a bit. At 2:30 they moved her up to a room in ICU and her nurse, Ron, stayed with her until they got her situated and comfortable - what a guy - he was so gentle with her and patient with her questions and stuff - he is truly an angel in scrubs.
So today I am home - didn't get home from the hospital til 3 AM then I couldn't sleep so I took a PM tablet then I couldn't get up this morning. I'll be heading back to the hospital later this afternoon to check on mom and see how she's doing.
Thats about it for my posting right now - will post again later with an update and hopefully a good one. Thank you in advance for all of your good thoughts and prayers - I know you guys and I know you're already sending them my way, and I appreciate each and every one of you more than you'll ever know.
Thoughts, hugs and smiles go out to you!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Sorry to hear about your Mom's episode, Kathy. You are both in my prayers. Do the best to keep yourself rested and fed properly in between visits. It really does help to stick with your program at times like this when the stomach acids are churning. Hope to hear good news soon on Mom.
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
My prayers are with you and your family and it's nice to hear that your Mom got treated so well! Hope she gets well soon.
Take care, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland