day 1 of 5dpt for me
So far, 2 Protein shakes... one with a yogurt thrown in. And lots of Propel and Crystal Lite!
I did manage to get to Curves this morning.. first time in 2 weeks... man, I really need to get back into that habit!
Wish us luck (hubby and I)
I totally agree with you. When I did the 5dpt I couldn't believe how many waters I went through to keep for reaching for food. That's how I knew I was sooo outta line with the grazing. It was eye opening. Secondly was the not drinking with my meals. I always thought I was good at that but when I really knuckled down and used the clock to time my 30 mins. post meal drink, I realized I was sneaking stuff in at the 15 min. mark and it was contributing to it sliding on through. DRY, DRY, DRY really makes a huge difference in feeling your food in your pouch. Seems all my world's a slider....
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Jackie, that is my main problem too. Drinking while eating and too close after. That is one of the hardest things for me.
Hang in there. I actually felt really good doing the test. Less bloated. I guess because of all the carbs I normally eat.
You can do it! I am still doing days 3,4,5 this week.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!