Good healthy Monday all,
Was on my way out the door to head to the gym and figured I'd start the exercise thread this morning. Today is Monday - a great day to make a commitment for the week. I know first hand how easy it is to miss the first couple days of the week and then come Wednesday or Thursday just say, "ah, it's Thursday, I might as well wait 'till Monday and start fresh". Well, today's the day to "start fresh" my friends.
For me, this is week two of my resurrection back to a healthy, physically fit lifestyle. I'll admit that I have more time than most being that I still haven't been able to land a new job, so I only have myself to blame if I waste my time. So this whole week I'm looking at the following workout:
One hour free weights
One hour cardio
30 minutes abs/back
What's on the plan for you today?
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!