SUNDAY exercise!
went to a 60 minute Body Pump class today..
I felt weaker than normal, so I just kept the weights light. BUT, I did it and that's what counts, right??
My daughter and I will probably do some window shopping at the mall today.. so that will be some walking. Maybe later, I'll do a tape at home. We'll see how I'm feeling
I felt weaker than normal, so I just kept the weights light. BUT, I did it and that's what counts, right??
My daughter and I will probably do some window shopping at the mall today.. so that will be some walking. Maybe later, I'll do a tape at home. We'll see how I'm feeling
Off day from the gym today, but went for a four mile run. My arms were quite thankful because they were sore as all heck after three straight days of lifting. Back to the gym tomorrow for both cardio and free weights.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
I am on day 18 on the EA 30 day challenge. Also played soe Wii Sports along with some yard work.. I get my second fill more fill closer to restriction. Sometimes it is a bit frustrating that I am not feeling the restriction...but I certainly would rather work towards restriction than getting too much fill and feeling uncomfortable only to have an unfill.