Birth Control
I have been diagnosed with PCOS for awhile. I was able to conceive two times since my diagnoses ( i have 2 daughters 3 years old and a 6month old.) Now I really want to get WLS before the year is out . I need advice on what Birth control method is the best for someone with PCOS and that has WLS. I want to get the DS some I really don't want to take the pill but if it's effective I will.
I don't want to get my tubes tie just yet we would like o possibly have another baby in 3-4 years
What birth control is the best for people who has had WLS ?
Thanks any advice would be appreciated
BC pills aren't always the best method post WLS because we mal-absorb (except those that get the band). My Dr reccomended 2 methods for the first 6 months at least, then another barrier method (condoms etc) for the first 12-18 months.
I too have PCOS and as you loose weight your fertility will increase DRAMATICALLY! Dr's reccomend not getting pregnant until you weight has stabilized at or near goal. WHile it is possible to get pregnant earlier out ketosis (happens during rapid weight loss) is dangerous for the developing baby.
Best of luck and hope that this helps!
I too have PCOS and as you loose weight your fertility will increase DRAMATICALLY! Dr's reccomend not getting pregnant until you weight has stabilized at or near goal. WHile it is possible to get pregnant earlier out ketosis (happens during rapid weight loss) is dangerous for the developing baby.
Best of luck and hope that this helps!
I have had PCOS since I was 9... and after having my daughter 3 years ago (after being told i couldn't get pregnant without drugs lol) my OB and I had a talk... he knew I was in the process of having WLS... but was turned down for Lap-band when I was pregnant... so we decided to go for gastric bypass... because of the surgery he thought it would be better if I went onto the Depo shot to get me through the surgery (because of all the antibotics) and then after without having to worry about a pill and my body not taking it right... I was on it for over a year and half and didn't start to have issues with weight gain or the lack of not lossing weight till then... i love it... 1 shot every 3 months and with my insurance it was $10 bucks... once I started to not lose anymore we switched me to the nuva ring and I hated it... not only did it attack my husband while having sex (he had some nice purple marks on you know what) it would slide out while working out etc... it was also $30 a month and really gross to change just before your monthly friend would come... I also would spot for a week before my period and then not really get my period... so my OB had me stop that and we were trying to figure what to go to next when I got pregnant lol... which we were fine with... but after this baby... tubes so getting tied while they gut me for the c-section lol...
Hey Jackie,
I also have PCOS and I had RNY on 6-3-09. I went to my OB about two weeks after surgery and we discussed this in detail. He said to have reliable periods with contraception and no malabsortion issues the nuvaring would be the best way to go. For myself and my husband we have one child and that is all we want, so the contraception issue was very important besides not being able to get pregnant for two yrs following surgery. I would say discuss this with your dr to see if this an option for you.
Hope this helps
I also have PCOS and I had RNY on 6-3-09. I went to my OB about two weeks after surgery and we discussed this in detail. He said to have reliable periods with contraception and no malabsortion issues the nuvaring would be the best way to go. For myself and my husband we have one child and that is all we want, so the contraception issue was very important besides not being able to get pregnant for two yrs following surgery. I would say discuss this with your dr to see if this an option for you.
Hope this helps