C Pap machine
Hi All-
As some of you may remember, I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea prior to surgery and had to get the 200 hours in prior to surgery. Hated the thing from day one and it never got much better.
Since I've been home from surgery, I've barely used it. I honestly feel that I sleep much better without it. As I lose weight, I've stopped getting up so many times per night and I am feeling generally well rested.
At my 3 month follow-up with the sleep study doc, he wasn't pleased with my usage and eluded to the fact that my insurance may not cover the machine if it's reported that I am non-compliant. However, even with my lack of usage my number of "incidents" still went down. I'm scheduled in October for a split-sleep study to determine if I still have sleep apnea and at that time, they decide if I still need the machine.
Can I just give the machine back to my durable medical equipment provider???? I know it's not good to be non-compliant, but I just don't want to use it anymore.
Would there be any backlash from my insurance company? Could they turn around and charge me for my usage from April thru July ? ?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
As some of you may remember, I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea prior to surgery and had to get the 200 hours in prior to surgery. Hated the thing from day one and it never got much better.
Since I've been home from surgery, I've barely used it. I honestly feel that I sleep much better without it. As I lose weight, I've stopped getting up so many times per night and I am feeling generally well rested.
At my 3 month follow-up with the sleep study doc, he wasn't pleased with my usage and eluded to the fact that my insurance may not cover the machine if it's reported that I am non-compliant. However, even with my lack of usage my number of "incidents" still went down. I'm scheduled in October for a split-sleep study to determine if I still have sleep apnea and at that time, they decide if I still need the machine.
Can I just give the machine back to my durable medical equipment provider???? I know it's not good to be non-compliant, but I just don't want to use it anymore.
Would there be any backlash from my insurance company? Could they turn around and charge me for my usage from April thru July ? ?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I stopped using my machine about 3 months out and haven't used it since - I don't snore anymore and I sleep very well. I was supposed to go back for another sleep study but hated those as much as the machine so I never did. I still have my unit - never thought about turning it back since I never see a bill for it or anything. I just assumed once it was given to me it was mine? Guess I'm not much help, am I!
I turned my machine back in last week. I didn't use it after surgery. I also hated the darn thing. What I was told was that the my health insurance was being billed monthly for the machine. Equipment provider called for the readings on my machine and I told them I wasn't using it. I was sleeping better, no snoring, and felt rested in morning. They had me get a note from my pcp stating I didnt need machine. But, If you give it back to them what can they say? They can't bill you for it. Hope this helps. Kathy