Oprah today
I watched the last half hour with Star Jones and I too was crying several times because what she said really hit home. My feelings about the surgery are mixed, I am glad that I did it, but there are many people including family who do not know that I had the surgery. I, too was(and still) am ashamed that I had to go for this surgery to get my weight under control. I was under the misguided thought that I could do it on my own. As my weight went higher and higher, I was in more denial. When health issues became more serious, I had to say to myself "wake up" you are NOT doing this on your own! I am so glad that I went to Barix for the surgery and the support group has been wonderful!! I am beginning to tell some people and I know once I return to work, I will be telling them as well since I left before the surgery and I have lost 40 lbs since...I am sure they will notice the difference as many people around me have. I still have about five wks before I go back so I am sure I will lose more by then.
I think one of the reasons I cried so much when I told people I was going to have surgery was the same reason you didn't - because I was embarrassed and ashamed and had to finally admit to myself what everyone else around me saw. But for me it made me face the reality that I was morbidly obese and needed desparate measures to get my life back.
I hope it gets easier for you to tell people if you're so inclined - but its a very personal choice and while I chose to tell anyone and everyone I totally understand people who do not feel comfortable doing that.
I hope it gets easier for you to tell people if you're so inclined - but its a very personal choice and while I chose to tell anyone and everyone I totally understand people who do not feel comfortable doing that.
I saw it the first time and spoke about it at one of our Barix meetings and I felt like I had hit rock bottom and did what I felt was right for me. I am pretty open about it and tonight I was at Friendly's and asked for sugar-free ice cream and the waiter said to me diabetic? and I said no gastric bypass and he said wow no kidding? and asked me how I felt and I said great. So I don't hide it and if someone said something negative I don't bother getting ticked off because I don't care. I did what was right for Linda. But the show was very interesting I think it took alot of courage on Star's behalf to do that. Oprah should take a page out of Star's book if you know what I mean because Oprah yo yo's it back and forth also.