Last Call For Zipline Tour on Aug 22nd
Karen, you hit the nail right on the head. I NEVER EVER EVER would have even considered doing something like this before. But, I know that if I sit back and hem and haw over should I, could I, what if, that I will look back and regret that I didn't do it. When this subject first came up I figured I would just go and hang out and watch and be the photographer. But, I know that if I did that, I would be kicking myself afterwards saying why didn't I do it.. I should have done it.. would've should've could've...
I've signed up! I'm scared but excited and am going to be thinking about this all summer!
I've signed up! I'm scared but excited and am going to be thinking about this all summer!
You know, the other day we watched the movie Yes Man (with Jim Carrey). I had expected a slapstick shallow comedy and was surprised at how affected I was by the underlying message. For those who haven't seen the movie, there's a setup that leads Carrey's character to make a pledge to say "Yes" to anything someone asks him to do.
The learning process is that by being open to the new experiences afforded by saying Yes (instead of making excuses to get out of things), each of those experiences (no matter how bad or scary they may seem at the time) are what ultimately make it possible for great things to happen.
Now, I'm not taking it as far as the movie did, obviously, but I am definitely challenging myself to "Say Yes" and be open to new ideas and stretching my limits. What a scary and wonderful time of growth! No more regrets!
And, as the ineffable Loretta LaRoche says "No more 'shoulding' on yourself!" (translates better when you say it... )
The learning process is that by being open to the new experiences afforded by saying Yes (instead of making excuses to get out of things), each of those experiences (no matter how bad or scary they may seem at the time) are what ultimately make it possible for great things to happen.
Now, I'm not taking it as far as the movie did, obviously, but I am definitely challenging myself to "Say Yes" and be open to new ideas and stretching my limits. What a scary and wonderful time of growth! No more regrets!
And, as the ineffable Loretta LaRoche says "No more 'shoulding' on yourself!" (translates better when you say it... )