Feels like I have a lump in my throat?
Hey I just wanted to share that I just went through a sticture. My doc says that at about 4 or so weeks post op is the time that they start to form if you are going to get one. So you are no where near that point yet. As far as getting tubes down your throat, I didn't even know that it was happening. They put me into like a light anesthesia so I wasn't aware of the proceedure, and there were absoluely no "after" effects. Not even a sore throat and I felt better like imediately from the stricture. Personally I think if you are going to develop a complication, a stricture is probably one of the "easiest" to have taken care of. My hubby was scared to death I would have this paticular problem and now that he has seen just how minimal it was he is much calmer now. Don't sweat it you will get there. You are doing great. Oh yea and I agree that spreading you pills out over a longer time really helps with that feeling of lumpy fullness. Good luck Belinda