Smokin' hot Pa Board!
You're welcome HG! Adam and I are doing well :) Adjusting to the whole living together thing, but for the most part, it's going really well ;) And the dogs are good too -- thanks so much for asking! How are you and Tucker and Molly doing?! Do Tucker and Molly love the snow as much as Lara and Logan do? I'm pretty sure Lara and Logan could stay outside and play in the snow ALL DAY if we let them ;) ...As for "are we going to get to see you any time soon?" -- I am trying so hard to plan a trip is really tight for me right now so I am especially trying to coordinate it with a time when Adam can drive (so that I don't have to fly/take a train or rent a car). We are actually thinking of coming down for Passover which is the second weekend in April. I'm not sure if you know this or not, but he has family in Dresher, PA (small world, huh?!) and we are really trying hard to work it out with us and the rest of his family. I really miss you too!! Gosh, I don't think I've seen you since the Pilgrimage last May -- is that right?! It's been waaaaay too long!!
Lisa :)
Lisa :)