I'm just throwing this out there....
Liz and Nancy and Jo already know...
but Brian and I have "officially" started to try to have a family. It will probably take some time. I am one of those girls who generally bases knowing when my friend is due based on boob tenderness and salt cravings. Not exactly scientific. So I'm starting to count days and blah blah blah blah so that perhaps we can have "fun" at the right point during the month.
Must say - it drives me NUTS we have young drug addicted females show up pregnant in the ER or on Maury...couldn't pick the father out of a stadium full of men...and here many of us are trying to time it right to have a hope in the world. But I won't go on that soap box further.
I'm excited by the idea - and we shall see what happens.
You can add me to the "think good baby thoughts" with Liz if ya wouldn't mind....
but Brian and I have "officially" started to try to have a family. It will probably take some time. I am one of those girls who generally bases knowing when my friend is due based on boob tenderness and salt cravings. Not exactly scientific. So I'm starting to count days and blah blah blah blah so that perhaps we can have "fun" at the right point during the month.
Must say - it drives me NUTS we have young drug addicted females show up pregnant in the ER or on Maury...couldn't pick the father out of a stadium full of men...and here many of us are trying to time it right to have a hope in the world. But I won't go on that soap box further.
I'm excited by the idea - and we shall see what happens.
You can add me to the "think good baby thoughts" with Liz if ya wouldn't mind....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Great News Pam! When I tried to get pregnant the first time it was tough. Didnt know my cycle well enough. Always assumed my fertile days were mid month. Kept trying and nothing. We had a huge fight because sex became a chore. We decided to quit. We made love to make up and sure enough I got pregnant with Deidre. Ended up I would ovulate 20 days into my cycle and that's why I wasnt getting pregnant. I learned to take my temp to find out when I was ovulating after that for the other kids. Easy thing to do first thing in the morning. If you need more info on the temp taking and what to look for. Call me or PM me and I'll fill you in.
Keeping good baby thoughts for you and Liz and anyone out there trying!
Keeping good baby thoughts for you and Liz and anyone out there trying!

I'm doing a lot of charting and what not this month and probably at least next month so I can get an idea as to my cycle. However...the temp thing isn't really an option for me...because of my eratic sleeping patterns. It is best to do the temp the same time every day - and well - there are almost NO days I sleep and wake at the same time (as you are all to familiar with these days) I may start doing it anyway just to see if there is any sort of trend, but I'm not counting on that as a sole predictability.
And I'm trying to stay some what relaxed and "whatever" about this - ideally I'd like to be pregnant by the end of the year - but whatever may be may be. The more we stress over it the less likely it is to happen. We'll see if I can continue that train of thought :)
And I'm trying to stay some what relaxed and "whatever" about this - ideally I'd like to be pregnant by the end of the year - but whatever may be may be. The more we stress over it the less likely it is to happen. We'll see if I can continue that train of thought :)
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.