Grab a chair cause this update is long!
Thanks so much for the love and support! This whole ordeal had just about wiped me out and I was beginning to think I couldn't fight anymore so I'm really glad that the hardest part of not knowing is over and I'm finally on the road to recovery.
I'm still having alot of problems but I guess that's to be expected until the ulcer starts to heal which unfortunately can be 8 weeks or more. I can definitely feel a little bit of a difference though so that's a big plus but the problem with those diverticular pocket balloon thingy's won't go away until they're surgically repaired so I'll have to try and hang in there with that. As long as I do the right thing though and stick with the diet they gave me and the keep up with the meds, I should be ok...Let's hope so anyways right?
Thanks again!
we are all here for you; i'm sending good vibes and prayers your way;
hang in there kiddo
Thanks for all those good vibes!!
You're definitely doing the right thing by reading all you can. There will be both good and bad with WLS but please don't allow my current health situation to scare you or have a negative impact on your decision to have surgery...You don't really strike me as some who would though. I'll be 6 years out in March and other than developing an iron deficiency, which is very common among us but also very easily fixed, this is the only other complication I have had in all that time and if you look at each condition separately, every one of them happens to non-pouch people every single day. I also added fuel to the fire with some of the stupid choices that I made. I was my own worst enemy in all of this.
So keep doing your research and if you have any questions or need some advice, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll help in any way I can.
Thanks again for the well wishes and good luck to you on your journey!!
Yes, please think about kicking that cigar habit along with me and Pam with the cigarettes..I don't want to see any of my friends posting on here months or years down the road from now about having an ulcer. It's extremely painful and can make your life complete hell so please just think about it at least.
Thanks again for the support!!
I agree with Dennis, admiting your own culpability in something that may have been exacerbated with your own actions is really great. I'm sure it'll help others recognize things they might be doing.
My thoughts are with you!
I'm big on people being accountable, me included. I own up to everything I do or don't do that results in negative consequences. I will never try to come up with excuses when I am the one who is at fault and in this case, I am in fact partially to blame. I will never make light of the part I played in it and I will never try to deny it. It is what it is.
Thanks for all the well wishes! Hope to see you soon!
I am glad to see that you finally have some answers as to what is going on. I can not imagine how difficult it must have been all this time not knowing what was wrong and not being able to get a doctor to help you.
I did not think that I could quit smoking for the surgery - but Chantix was a lifesaver for me. I understand that some people do not like it - but give it a try. Maybe it will also work for you.
Sending you well wishes,
Hey stranger! I feel like I haven't talked to you in soooo long! It's so good to "see" you again!! lol
Yep, this is definitely one of the more difficult times in my life especially because I knew something was wrong for quite a while but I couldn't find a doctor to help me. My treatment was delayed by months because of that and if someone had actually seen me back then, there's a good chance I would have been ok by now. I can't change the past though so there's no sense in dwelling on it right?
Chantix is on the list to ask my PCP about when I see her. My only concern with taking it is the possible side effect of trouble sleeping with vivid dreams and/or nightmares. I have ALOT of trouble sleeping now & I can't take Ambien, Lunesta, etc because I was one of the people that suffered from sleep walking & sleep cooking/eating. One night I actually ended up in the car getting ready to leave the driveway. My eyes were completely open but I was actually sleeping and I had no recollection of any of it the next day.. Thank god John found me when he did because I could have killed myself or even worse, someone else. Anyways, we would need to have a plan on hand in case it caused me even more problems with sleeping but other than that, I would be willing to try it. I'd really appreciate hearing about your personal experience with it though. Would you mind either PM'ing or emailing me more info such as any side effects you had, how well it helped control the withdrawals, etc? My email is [email protected]. If you're too busy or would rather not share personal information like that, it's ok. I completely understand.
Thanks again for the well wishes and I hope to see you soon!!!