OT Face Book
Funny you should bring this up Mike.
I had originally joined facebook about 7 mos ago - set up my page and uploaded some pics and what not...and then basically didn't do much else about it. Now, in my page...I had put weight loss progression pics with an explanation of the surgery.
Now - this was done for "one" specific friend who had wanted to know about my surgery - she's a long distance friend and we basically now only communicate through email and what not. She was also the one who invited me to facebook...so I set it all up. Not "realizing" my actions...and that obviously at some point, other friends and family members would find me.
And they did, granted, not many, but a select few.
Who also happened to not know a thing about my surgery because I had chosen to not tell a lot of people in my friend/extended family life. Once they found me I realized what I had "done" and immediately went back and changed the titles of my pics and what not to reflect weight loss, but not the surgery
Yes, I got caught - I know I did because they sent me friend requests and what not. Funny thing is - they have not brought up my surgery. To me, it's kind of like the pink elephant in the room if you will. I'm not sure if they are not bringing it up to respect my privacy or because they had no idea what the hell to think. I still talk to these people very very frequently and am the godmother of one of their children. And I didn't bring it up because...well...I didn't want to admit I had "fooled" them or however you want to look at it, or them to feel I had excluded them personally out of this portion of my life.
It was my decision for surgery and mine alone - and only a select few were allowed to know that path I chose.
So yes, I get it. And I don't think anyone should slam you for your decision - we all know various people have various opinions on "talking" about their surgery and all of those opinions and wishes need to be respected.
I had originally joined facebook about 7 mos ago - set up my page and uploaded some pics and what not...and then basically didn't do much else about it. Now, in my page...I had put weight loss progression pics with an explanation of the surgery.
Now - this was done for "one" specific friend who had wanted to know about my surgery - she's a long distance friend and we basically now only communicate through email and what not. She was also the one who invited me to facebook...so I set it all up. Not "realizing" my actions...and that obviously at some point, other friends and family members would find me.
And they did, granted, not many, but a select few.
Who also happened to not know a thing about my surgery because I had chosen to not tell a lot of people in my friend/extended family life. Once they found me I realized what I had "done" and immediately went back and changed the titles of my pics and what not to reflect weight loss, but not the surgery
Yes, I got caught - I know I did because they sent me friend requests and what not. Funny thing is - they have not brought up my surgery. To me, it's kind of like the pink elephant in the room if you will. I'm not sure if they are not bringing it up to respect my privacy or because they had no idea what the hell to think. I still talk to these people very very frequently and am the godmother of one of their children. And I didn't bring it up because...well...I didn't want to admit I had "fooled" them or however you want to look at it, or them to feel I had excluded them personally out of this portion of my life.
It was my decision for surgery and mine alone - and only a select few were allowed to know that path I chose.
So yes, I get it. And I don't think anyone should slam you for your decision - we all know various people have various opinions on "talking" about their surgery and all of those opinions and wishes need to be respected.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.