Wednesday Roll Call

Laureen S.
on 1/13/09 6:37 pm, edited 1/13/09 6:38 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning PA!

It is freezing outside, guess we are having a good old fashioned kind of winter,
unlike the last several years where we would get a cold snap for a few days and then it would warm up to 40s and sometimes higher, never allowing our bodies to really get used to the cold, so while I'm not happy to be freezing, at least it's an actual winter, but I still would like to see some of that white stuff that some of you all have been having and complaining about.

Speak of freezing, woke up this morning and the house was like an icebox, usually my heater kicks on several times during the night if the temps dip below 65 in the house, at the very least it is scheduled to go on at 5 a.m., 15 minutes before I now have to get out of bed, so I got up and was like, what the heck is going on here. . . the temp on the thermostat read 59, after running down to the basement to see if the heater was on, I hit the override button and on it went, thankfully it appears to be working now that I hit that button, but the temps are still a bit too cool to take my shower, maybe in the next 10 minutes or so, brrrrrr is right on. 

Oh well, I'd better get busy here or I'll be on the later train to work today.

Have a great day and if you are facing any challenges, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 1/13/09 6:56 pm - PA
GM Laureen -

Its a heatwave back home in Philly compared to Madison.  Right now its 0 and the windchill is already -10 (10 below zero f).  Its only expected to go to 5 degrees today and its already snowing.  We are expected at least 1 -2 more inches of snow by this afternoon.  Tomorrow is supposed to be worse and they are expected it to be a HIGH of -5 all day with windchills dipping to -25 or lower.  Some times I really hate traveling for my job.

The really stinky part is that this weather travels east from here.  So as I leave this cold tundra tomorrow to fly home - the COLD snap will be at home in Philly on Friday or Saturday (lets hope not as bad).

I checked and at least my furnace is working at home for the kids.  Im off to the gym now for some cardio then work.  Tonight I have another appointment with a new trainer here at Univ of Wisconsin.  So far he seems to be pretty good.

Everyone stay warm - with our 'fat suites' gones - I know that the cold seems 20 times worse - no matter how many layers we put on.

Kim Z

Pam Hart
on 1/13/09 7:08 pm - Easton, PA
Morning Laureen!  I feel for you - Brian has been on this "kick" to see how much $$ we save by different heat settings and what for the past two days the thermostat has been set on 60.  BRRRR  I've been moaning and complaining about it...and layering up.  As I sit fingers are getting cold.  I think seeing as though I will be home all day today...the thermostat will at LEAST make it up to 65 today.

Kim- your right - it does sound like a heatwave over here in comparison to where you are.  No thank you!

Well I'm up....why I'm not sure....but I am.  I am contemplating going back to bed...we shall see. day yesterday got turned all upside down (in mostly good ways) 

First my computer wa**** with some spyware which reaked havock on my internet capabilities and my computers basic functioning.  So I spent most of the early part of the day dealing with that.  Right seems to be ok. 

Then I talked to my old job....there's more of an interesting story - they are in the middle of hiring freeze except for absolutely needed positions...and they desperately need nurses for the night shift in the they are hiring ME back per diem.  Because of the hiring freeze their website did not show any open positions so I made the trip down there to fill out an application seeing as though I can't turn away the $$ they offered me.  Two 8 hour shifts a week (which would still give me 2 days off a week) would beat my biweekly salary.  Brian and I are planning on using the extra money to first get caught up with some bills and then sock it all away for a down payment on a house within the next 1-2 years.

Got together with a really good girlfriend in the area (and who works there) and had dinner and a lot of chatting (we were at the restaurant for almost 3 hours!) which felt SOOOO good.

so....I didn't get just about anything done that I wanted to yesterday.  Today will be the laundry; fooling around with recipies; making dinner (the breakfast meal I didn't make last night); and then movies with Brian this evening.  Oh - and exercise as well.  I'm thinking yoga - but may do one of the higher intensity ones (or even both) (the higher intensity ones would probably keep me warmer, lol); and the phone calls I never made yesterday as well.

Have a great day - attempt to stay warm all!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 1/13/09 7:08 pm - Eastern, PA
I'm here. Getting ready to head out for the gym.

Going to look at dishwashers tonight.

It's cold as all hell around here.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
on 1/13/09 8:10 pm - Perkasie, PA
Good morning,

Today is my daughter's 14th birthday. She was sick with a stomach bug yesterday but now she is fine and my other daughter has it.

It was great to see Amer. Idol again last night!

I can't wait until spring.

End of random morning mumbling.


Liz R.
on 1/13/09 8:16 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning ALl - I am at work reluctantly. I should have stayed home. I need to get a bid in for a big project this morning. It is due by 4pm but I want to have it out earlier and hopefully be home in bed long before 4. I can't remember ever being this sick - it is terrible!

So my day is nothing exciting! Oh and did I mention that I have the period from hell to top it all off?

Have a great day all. Sorry for all that complaining!

on 1/13/09 8:26 pm - Culpeper, VA
Heading down to Maryland and Virginia where the sun is supposed to be shining!  It will be a nice change. I will check in periodically with you all.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


(deactivated member)
on 1/13/09 9:05 pm, edited 1/13/09 9:06 pm
Today is Wednesday, karate, sleep....maybe gym after karate. 

Last night was a wash....took benedryl to try and alleviate some of the symptoms from my allergy shots...fell asleep in the doctors waiting room, went home and slept most of the night away...what a waste!  Didn't even wake up to go to karate class.  AND, the kicker is that the benedryl didn't help with the side effects.  grrr....

Good news is, I am now up to $400.00 in donations since I started my fund raising yesterday.  Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Now I need to go get some coffee to help with my benedryl hangover!

on 1/13/09 9:06 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everybody - yeah, pretty stinking cold out there - at least its taking us into the bitter cold temps gradually - letting us get used to it a day at a time. Thank goodness your heater kicked on Laureen - no heat would not be a good thing right now!

I'm at work today - sucking up their heat instead of my own at home. Now that my house is EMPTY during the day I've been able to adjust the settings on the thermostat to cut back the heat during the day and hopefully save some money on our electric/gas bill - last months bill was totally ridiculous! Over $400!! I have the heat cranking back up around 5:00 since we get home around 5:30 - the house is still pretty cool when we get home but I go in and change and work-out and by the time thats done the house is nice and toasty.

Nothing else on my agenda today - just work...stay warm, everybody.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 1/13/09 10:05 pm - Whitehall, PA
Good morning PA! 

I froze my buns just walking my daughter up to the bus stop and standing there for 5 minutes.  Now, I am at home attempting to get all my work done because I have off the rest of the week.  YAHOOO!!!! I don't have to work again until Tuesday.  Unfortunately, the reason I have off tomorrow is because my dad is having knee replacement surgery.  But, that should be pretty uneventful, so I'm not too concerned.  Just want to be at the hospital when he comes out.  I have an appt with the surgeon tomorrow, too.  

After work, I just need to pick up my daughter from choir practice and then home to figure out dinner and what exercise video we are going to do tonight.  That is to be determined.  I am trying to let her make the decision so she gets enjoyment out of it too and is more willing to do it with me.  

Nothing else going on so I will get to work where I belong and get my crap done.

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