Clothing help!!
Tanya not to be a wise ass but have you tried thrift stores and consignment shops? I was just at a thrift shop today and bought 3 pairs of dungarees, 1 sweater, 2 tops, a candle holder, a garden item all for $27.00. You have to go when you have time and go thrugh things but thats half the fun the other half is paying less.
I mirror what others have said...Thrift Store! We leave for vacation Sat!! to Western Caribbean!!! OK back to the topic..I had NO clothes that would fit me. OK, I had some (they were bought pre op, in hopes I would fit in them now). But while at the thrift shop last week, I picked up 4 pairs of short and a pair of capri's!! Plus I picked up 2 work pants (nice pants), and 2 jeans.....and only paid $25 for all of it!!!!
There are never any problems, only solutions. quoted by a dear and special friend!!!
My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small Bottoms size 2!!!! UPDATED: 11/11
Looks like ill be driving! we have one thrift shop in the area. Ive been there so many times!! I can never find anything. And I love thrift shops. Im taking a huge bag of clothes to them on Friday so hopefully they will have something I can wear.
My mother is not happy i can fit in her clothes now!! What can ya do.
My mother is not happy i can fit in her clothes now!! What can ya do.