my day at the hospital...

Shannon O.
on 12/31/08 12:10 pm - Reading, PA

We got home just before 7pm tonight.

What a long day… you have gotten the idea pretty much what happened… This morning I was getting ready to go to work and Jeremy was working from home and was going to deal with Lorelei at home. I was getting my shoes on and that is when she puked 2 times in less than 5 mins… argh… so, I called the peds office… when you call mine if you hit 0 it is for emergency calls and the crappy nurse put me into voicemail to leave a message… argh… I left a message but after 15 mins of waiting I called back and went off on the lady… I told her the first time what happend and when I started to tell her again… she has the balls to tell me that they nurses have 2 hours to call me back… omg… I said to get someone else on the phone or I would come down and beat her… Got a new nurse and was told to be there in 15 mins… once at the doc office they were very worried that there was no snot (and she still has a double ear infection), no tears, and that she wasn’t moving and couldn’t stand on her own… the doc called over to the hospital and wrote up orders… and off we went…

Now I have only been at the hospital once… to take Lore for her up GI test for acid reflux when she was 3m old… and that was a different entrence… and I had to find a totally different entrence… I found it… and got free vallet parking (whoop and it was freezing outside too) got direction to the peds floor… and was amazed… holy cow this part of the hospital is amazing looking… wow… and the kids rooms are cool too…

Our Nurse was so awesome… she was an older nurse (a lot like my mom and the crap they have to deal with being older nurses)… Got lore into her hospital gown and then we went over basic info and background… this is what Lore did… and never moved…

The worse part of all of this was getting in the IV… omg… those poor nurses… and me… the first 2 times it was me and 3 nurses holding down Lore while one stuck her… and blew her vein in each arm… and Lore was so pissed off and upset and we had to stop.. that and we thought that we might hurt her trying to keep her still… man that girl can buck like a rodeo horse… so an IV team was called in… I really thought this time I broke Lore’s arm…. it was just me and her nurse and the IV nurse… I think I am going to have some brusies tomorrow on my chest and arms… but we got it in finally…

Jeremy showed up later with her blankie, Aurora (aka Slpeeing Beauty for those that didn’t know her name), and her pillow… I had her new dragofly blanket that my mom got her for Christmas already there… after Jeremy had been there for about an hour I found out that he hadn’t eaten anything yet for the day… so since Lore was sleeping I went to hunt for food for him… there is a cafe right there in that part of the building that we were in… so got him a sandwich boxed lunch (had a huge roast beef sandwich, 2 cookies, a bag of prezels, and an orange in it) and soda for him and me… on the way back to the room I walked into the gift shop and was looking to see if I could find a little balloon for Lore but instead I got her this little guy…

I couldn’t help it… he was so cute and funny looking… totally busts me up when I look at him… and Lore has liked him too… better yet… got him on sale because he was considered a Christmas item… whoop…

Lore spent most of the time either crying because of the IV or sleeping…

After a while a nurse gave us a blue icyie pop for Lore to munch on because she was so hungry…

It looked like Lore had eaten the entire smurf village…

Oh yea Lore was considered an isolation case too because of this virus… so on came the crazy gloves and protective gowns… that is how bad this hospital is taking this stomach vrius… which btw you are still considered sick for 2 weeks after the symotoms have gone away… and we have cancelled our plans for our 10th wedding annv on Friday because of this… no one would wanna watch her lol… do you blame them? I sure done…

But, at 6 we could leave because she had to be on the IV for 5 hours and had enough of a void (aka peed)… so about 6:30 they let us go… get down to the lobby area and Lore pukes… thank goodness we took the puke bowl she never used upstairs… called back upstairs and they said to go home… at home we gave her some toast (she is sooo hungry) and puked part of that up… but she won’t drink… but at the hospital she ate 2 crackers, some sweet potatoes and a small piece of chicken… and none of that food came up when she puked… and only a 1/4 of the toast came up… so I’m happy she has something real in her… IV was sodium and sugar mix… so she got a little something from that… but her blue eyes are still grey… very grey… she is at least talking now… not so much of that was done at the hospital… and after bugging me while typing this and rolling off the couch and then back on she is passed out on the floor… so in a few I will have Jeremy carry her up… but man she has some nasty nasty smelling farts right now… oh man i saw stars after that last one lol…

But, I am off to do my breathing treatment… I missed my afternoon one… so off to take care of me and crash in bed… screw the new years eve stuff… lol… but please pray for all of us… I can’t afford to get sick… I missed yesterday and today… and I don’t have any sick or vacation days yet… and I don’t have any hours for the next 2 weeks at Lane Byrant… and I missed picking up my paycheck today too… argh! but off to bed!

Pam Hart
on 12/31/08 12:16 pm - Easton, PA
The bad stomach bug is definately not something to be messed around with.  Glad she was a "direct admit" and able to be basically like an outpatient as well. 

Will be thinking of all of you.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Shannon O.
on 12/31/08 12:20 pm - Reading, PA
yeah I am glad that she was a direct admit as well... because other wise if we had to go through the ER and wasn't admitted it would of been a $150 co-payment... the only thing that drove me nuts was that it took over 2 hours to even get started with the IV... and then it took 45 mins to get the stupid thing in... but other than that it went very well for what we went through needless to say...

on 12/31/08 12:31 pm - the Skook, PA

Aww my goodness!  God love her.  And what a good mommy you are!
Hope she feels better soon!!

"If you want something bad enough, you'll find it.
If you don't, you'll find excuses."
on 12/31/08 12:32 pm - Levittown, PA
I am sorry that your spending NYE in the hospitals its always so hard when your child is so sick. BTW she is so beautiful its so sad to see them like that but she seems like a good kid. Thank You for the kind words. The police officer who took the report told me that first she was going too fast and then if we have any problems getting money from her insurance company sometimes our insurance company will make the police write her a citation for careless or reckless driving. I felt really bad calling the police but I have over $3000 worth of damage to my minivan,. Anyway I hope you and your family have a Happy & Healthy New Year. Take Care of that beautiful daughter of yours:)


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


Gail M.
on 12/31/08 2:26 pm - Scranton, PA
  So sorry to hear that your daughter is sick.  She is so cute.  I hope she gets well soon.


Patricia R.
on 12/31/08 11:49 pm - Perry, MI
I remember very well when my kids were so sick that they had to be admitted.  The emotions that I had were off the hook, and I really was held together by sheer determination and God.

I hope she starts to feel better, and keep fluids down.  It is frightening.  Praying for all of you to stay safe and healthy in this new year.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/1/09 5:19 am - pottstown, PA
Shannon,so sorry the baby is going thru this hell and you too,Hopefully she settles down and can start keeping stuff in!Hugs Trish

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

Liz R.
on 1/2/09 1:39 am - Easton, PA
Shannon - just getting online to read this - I sure hope that she is feeling better soon! She is too small and adorable to ever be this sick! My love to you all, I can't imagine having to sit by and watch a child be so sick and there is hardly anything that you can do to make her feel better *hugs*

on 1/8/09 4:31 am - Boston, MA
Shannon, I'm sorry I am actually just reading your post about the hospital and Lore now and I really hope she is doing much better than when you posted.  What an ordeal.  And Lore is absolutely beautiful -- I love the way you embedded the pictures into your post while you retold the story.  How old is she by the way?  I remember my little sister needing to be admitted to the hospital on my 11th birthday (she was almost 11 months old at the time) and needing to be hooked up to IV -- the doctors thought she had Hodgkin's disease (form of cancer) and kept her in the hospital for about a week before they discovered it was simply a rash...gave my family quite a scare.  I'm sorry you had to see Lore like this and I'm sorry she had to go thru this.  Hopefully by now, she is feeling much better, I hope. 

Lisa :) 
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