Really Sick Need advice !!! PLEASE

on 12/29/08 12:14 am - Schuylkill Haven, PA
So ive been on antibotics since Thanksgiving. I had bronchial pnemonia, sinus infection, double ear infections. Went to my pcm two weeks later. same symptoms. Same stuff.. i got 2 z packs more cough meds and still feeling like hell. Im not 4 weeks out.. Another anti botics doxycylcine. Im misreable. Yet im still working. BLAH! Im eating and drinking ok. But im just not myself ive called my pcm again. they told me wait a week and see him on the 01/05 or go to ER. WTF! Called my surgeon they told me to rest. LOL I was thinking can you give me a note for that??

Any suggestions??
on 12/29/08 12:47 am - Culpeper, VA
I have always wondered if the medications we take really get absorbed like they should.  I haven't met a doctor yet who could tell me for sure.  I wonder if your doses or strength needs to be adjusted.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Liz R.
on 12/29/08 12:52 am - Easton, PA
Tanya- not much advice to offer just rest as you can (and YES i am sure that your surgeon would write a note!!) and drink as much water as you can!

Hope you are feeling better soon!


PS - sounds like there are a lot of NASTY things going around right now - maybe Pam can confirm what has been going through her ER but from what the guys in our shop have been telling me they and their spouses / kids have been getting all sorts of things from stomach bugs to high fevers - yuck!
on 12/29/08 1:21 am - Perkasie, PA
Hugs from another person who feels like crap. Gosh you've really been hit hard. I hope you are feeling better soon.



on 12/29/08 3:21 am - PA
I'm sorry you're having such a horrible time with the illnesses!  I don't have any extra advice then already was given (drink lots of water, wait for Pam to post).  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope you are feeling wonderful very soon!

Shannon O.
on 12/29/08 4:34 am - Reading, PA
I always eat before taking any meds... like part of a grilled cheese or crackers and some meat... part carb/part protein... and it helps keep the meds in longer in my tummy... if it says to take with a full glass of water... I drink that first wait 5 mins then take the pills... it really makes a difference...

But, I sounded a lot like you and I am doing breathing treatments and I almost sounds human again... made a HUGE difference for me... also find a new doc... waiting a week could lead to you getting reallys really sick!

Pam Hart
on 12/29/08 4:48 am - Easton, PA
I'm wondering if Levaquin wouldn't be a better antibiotic for you.  zpacks are one of those things that you take for 5 days but it is supposed to last in your system for something like 7-10 days.  I'm not convinced that those types would work for us.

Definately keep up on your fluids.

I haven't seen so much of this stuff in the ER as the stomach bug thing, but there are tons of respiratory type cases coming in just the same.  The reason your PCP told you to go to the ER if you get worse is because legally that's all they can tell you to do.  They can't tell you not to come in, and they can't diagnose you over the phone, and in some instances (and I'm not saying this is the case) they just are tired of dealing with you and recurrent symptoms and they can't figure it out so they send you somewhere else.  PS the ER will probalby not do much for you unless an xray shows pneumonia or something like that....otherwise it will probably be another script, a pat on the head, and told to go home.  You may get a breathing treatment out of the deal, but probably not a script for treatments at home.

My cure all for respiratory/head stuff for me is the following, which has no scientific reasoning what so ever.  I take a really hot shower for as long as I can....when I get out I slather myself with vics.  I'm talking chest, neck back....and get this one...the soles of me feet, and then immediately put on a hooded sweatshirt, warm pants, and warm sock (cause walking around with vics on your feet is just nasty)  I then make myself a cup of hot theraflu and take some nyquil tablets with that.  The vics on your feet thing is a new one for me...but I read a few studies that said it helps quiet coughs down at night?  I'm not sure this really works....but the vics on your chest neck back helps immensly for me....)  Anyway....finish the theraflu and crawl into bed, hood up so I'm breathing in vapors from my chest and back.

I swear....generally speaking the next day I feel better, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 nights of doing this....

The more fluids you can get in the better, it will help to thin the secretions in your chest and sinus'.  You will probably start to cough more, but be able to bring it up which is the whole point.  The reason you probably got the double ear infection is because when your sinus' block up, it runs into your ears, causing infection there.  Unfortunately very common.

I'd say wait a good 3-5 days before going to your doctor again after starting the doxy.  This of course, only if you don't get sicker.  If at any time you feel any worse than you do...go to the ER or go to your doc....and if it's your doc....maybe insist for a chest xray just in case.

Feel better!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/29/08 8:11 am - Imperial (Pittsburgh), PA
sorry to hear your are so sick

lots of different nasties have been making the rounds here in the pittsburgh side of the state, starting back before thanksgiving.   colds/sinus/ears/bronchitis/flu/stomach..etc etx.

having dealt with chronic sinus and ear problems since childhood i've recently found something that has helped when my sinus/eustachian tubes (ears) get clogged.  First of all,  i use a sinus rinse (sounds gross but works for me) flush the nose./sinuses with saline water...can find pre packaged kits in the drugstore.

next, ive recently found that humming helps.  Someone suggested to do the "OHHHHHHMMMMMM" type of meditation mantra. I started with that and went on to humming different songs.  I can really tell the certain vibrations/frequencies help loosen things up for me.  A few weeks ago i hummed "home on the range" and " oh little town of bethlehem" on the entire drive home (35-40 minutes).  i felt a lot clearer when i got home.

hope you feel better soon...keep up with the fluids, etc etc etc
~ Denise 


on 12/29/08 8:11 am, edited 12/29/08 8:13 am - Quakertown, PA
My mom told me to drink ho****er with lemon and that helps with throat and cough. (It was actually very soothing and loosened things up in the chest)  She also told me about the vics on the feet like pam said....weird but it is supposed to work.  Hope you feel better soon!

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