Is there such a thing as too thin??

on 12/28/08 9:11 am - Levittown, PA
Shilpa, honey, you look awesome!!!  And not too skinny at all.  Just like what other people have said, those who are closest to us have a hard time seeing us this "thin" way because they've known us our whole lives as the fluffy ones and have never seen us like this.  People are doing double-takes at me like crazy.  I saw my brother-in-law tonight and his mouth dropped.  He didn't even know it was me.  And I probably saw him about 2 or 3 months ago.  Now, he said I looked great, but my mother-in-law always tells me now that I'm getting too thin, which I think is completely hysterical.  But they've known me almost 11 years now and all they've known is the fluffy Karen.

I ran into my Godmother about a month and a half ago and then she sent me an email about 2 weeks ago saying that she was hoping to see me over the holidays and she hoped I didn't lose any more weight because I looked great when she ran into me.  And I'm thinking, well, I did lose more weight and is she going to think I still look great.

You can't change what people think, at least not right away.  They have to get used to the new you just like we have to get used to the new us.  Hang in there.  I think you look fabulous.  Yes, I believe there is a "too thin" but you're not anywhere near it, girlfriend!!!



on 12/28/08 9:21 am - Levittown, PA
Thank You for the kind words and advise. I knew that if anybody would understand it would be you. I have been fluffy all my life and I guess I do need to give people some time to get used to the new me. I just think that its CRAZY that they think I am too skinny. I will try to focus on maintaining my weight and not getting obsessed about losing another 10 pounds. Hope your New Year is a great one. Thank You Everyone for just being here for me!!


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


Pam Hart
on 12/28/08 12:53 pm - Easton, PA

The advice you have gotten is phenomenal, as always from this board.  I understand what you are going through - and today especially as I saw family I haven't seen since probably Easter.  Talk about being talked about!!

Here's the thing - with changing jobs and what not - people at my 'new' job do not know the fluffy me.  And yes, they call me "skinny" or "tiny" or whatever in their descriptions of me - but no one has ever said I look "to thin" or anything like that.  Because they just know me for me. 

Other people, who have known me for a long time, believe I am "too skinny"  My one uncle said to me "well it was obvious your new years resolution LAST year was to simply not eat to lose weight.  This year could you possibly work some food back into your diet?  Your not fooling anyone by eating at this party - we know you don't eat on a daily basis"  I laughed it off and told him I do eat - exactly what he saw me eating today (which was pork and fruit and nuts, no rolls, cookies, cakes, candied sweet potatoes etc)

Also....and this is gonna sound about the point you are at (90 pounds...I also had about 105 pounds to lose total) my face and shoulders looked awful, sunken, and just yucky.  Even I had to admit I looked "to thin" in that area....however....things have "redistributed" and filled out a little better at this point.

While we are on the subject of maintaining I might also add that don't be surprised if you drop below goal weight for a time. I know I did, and so did Jen Miller....and I was freaking out because I didn't know how to STOP losing weight and was VERY afraid of being "too thin"  But then without me doing anything, in about 2 or 3 weeks I jumped back up to where I have been maintaining which for me is anywhere between 126 and 131  My personal goal is to keep between 125 and 130.  I have mental issues with the scale going over 130....but it's a healthy mental issue as that is my "warning" time where I know I need to watch it.

Sorry for rambling on and on.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 12/28/08 3:22 pm - PA
 I just wanted to thank everyone for their posts. They are both inspirational and informative. Reading ya'll's comments have really helped me become more comfortable with my decision to have RNY surgery later this month. Thanks, Roger
Pam Hart
on 12/28/08 9:15 pm - Easton, PA

This is a great place for support as I'm sure you've come to realize.  There's always somebody with an answer about something!!

Glad to see you posting and to have you part of the 'family'  You'll be giving out advice soon enough to others who are newer to the journey!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
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