***Christmas Eve/WednesdayRoll Call***

Pam Hart
on 12/23/08 1:07 pm - Easton, PA

So this is ridiculous....but they have me at work sitting with ONE patient until they are picked up so I have been sitting here since 11pm jus****ching my little confused lady sleep.  There could be worse things, I'm sure.  And I'm sure the rest of my night will not go such as this!!  So I am taking advantage of it and have spent a lot of time on the boards and figured it is now past midnight, so I will post roll call

When I get home I will begin making roasted garlic mashed potatoes to bring to my parents house.  Then I will clean out my car for said trip.

After making room in my car I will fill it up with presents for the family!!!

Depending on how I feel I will also be taking nap.  I'm actually hoping to a degree the nap part happens first (sometimes I can't fall asleep as soon as I get home, I need time to unwind) because I have a feeling hubby had a late night last night and I can crawl into bed for some cuddle time with him.

At some point I will be taking a shower (novel approach to life, no?? ha ha ha) and then headed down back to jersey to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with our families.  We will once again be spending the night at my parents house (they have an extra room with an extra bed, so it's nicer than spending the night at his parents house on separate couches cause that's all they have....)  Christmas morning we are opening presents with my family and then his parents will be joining us for a lovely dinner along with some of my extended family like grandparents and an aunt and what not.  That's when we will exchange with Brian's parents.

We'll be coming home Christmas night at some point.  My parents do have a computer - but I don't know how much I will be posting from there.  I will definately be posting prior to leaving Pa, though!!

Everyone be safe in all that they are doing this time of year and remember to hold special in your hearts the real reason for the season and family and friends.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannaukah and Happy Kwanza to all who celebrate whichever holiday.  I truly do love you all.


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/23/08 6:28 pm - Delmont, PA
Good Morning Pam & PA!

Have a safe and fun trip Pam!

I'm off today! (Doing a happy dance)   I am so thankful i'm not going to be at work today.  It was a freakin madhouse yesterday.  I got up early so I can do last minute Christmas shopping.  After fighting the crowds I'm going to come home and go back to bed for a little bit.  Have to get the Christmas tree up. Talk about waiting till the last minute!  It was so busy that this is the first chance I've had to do it.

There is so much I want to do.  Just have to see how much of it I can fit in today.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!



Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
on 12/23/08 6:42 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning Everyone!!

Well Pam and Diane you guys are def the early bird winners although it is now 5:30 am and here I sit and post!!  Why is it on the days I have off I can not sleep past 5 am but the days I have to work I could sleep till noon!???!!!! LOL

So today is a very soggy Christmas Eve in Philadelphia--I do hope it clears but still I can not believe it is almost Christmas already!!!  Today has hubby and me at an appointment and then we will come home and hubby is baking some sort of goodness for the party at my Aunt's house today.  That should be fun!  I got a new party dress!! It is knee length --black with a silvery gray bodice top with a bow...soooo cute!!  Plus I bought my first pair of fish net stockings but I don't know if I will wear them ...I don not think I amthat confident yet....maybe I can wear them over a pair of tights?? I will try to post pic of final look tonight!!

Then it will be party time tonight.  As for the afternoon--I intend to read my new book while hubby is baking Christmas goodies !!!

Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and all other holidays being celebrated!!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 12/23/08 7:01 pm - Culpeper, VA
Hi all,

Today I am going to use my new early Chreistmas present, a crock pot!  I will use it for Christmas dinner as well.  I had one a long time ago but it was very small and for some reason with all of our moves, it got left some where. 

Anyway, we have heatwave of 32 degrees this morning haha   Looks like some icey rain coming down.

Tonight is our Christmas eve service at church.  That's about it for today.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 12/23/08 7:27 pm - Perkasie, PA
Hi all,

I have my first official post-op head cold, and man, it's a doosie. Last night I hit the hay at 7:41. What a party animal.

Today I have an eye dr. appointment and I am getting glasses. I lost mine a few weeks back and I have eye pain and blurriness with my contacts in, and I'm just blind w/o anything.

STILL have three presents to finish....and need to figure out how to schedule Christmas dinner (I'm thinking have it tonight) my parents visit, mass, time with the kids, time to breathe, etc. before they go to their dad's place tomorrow afternoon. But I keep thinking how this Christmas is sooooo much better than last----

get this.....when I woke up last Christmas morn, I was 40, I weighed close to 400 pounds, I was completely alone (the kids were at their dad's), and there wasn't even a STARBUCKS open to be found. I think of that, and I'm as happy as a clam.

Love, Hugs, Health, Laughter and Happy Holidays to you all. I love yahs.


Liz R.
on 12/23/08 8:18 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all! Whew! What a drive into work! Be greateful those of you that get to stay in this morning! Roads out my way were a sheet of ice - took me almost twice as long to get in today. I am at work for a full day then off to my Aunt's to join the rest of my family that will have been there since hours before me. I am sad that I have to miss the beginning of the celebration - but alas I have to work!

Tomorrow we will to go my parents for Christmas dinner, we'll be there all day. I am off friday - woohooo and am heading up to super-walmart to see if I can find any after christmas bargains. This weekend hubby is off so we will be hanging around the house spending time together, enjoying our presents.

I hope that everyone has safe travels today. A Very Merry Christmas to you all!!

Love, Liz (group hug!)
Patricia R.
on 12/23/08 8:39 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone here.  I love you all.  You are my lifeline to sane food. 

I got a lot of chocolate from my students yesterday, but one young lady's gift made me just cry.  I teach Social Studies, and she gave me a Sterling Silver necklace with a Compass Rose on it, and a verse about the journey of life. 

Today has me heading to the gynecologist's for my annual tune-up.  Talk about getting into the season.  LOL.  Then, I have group, where we are having a Christmas luncheon.  After that, I am doing some baking for tomorrow, and cleaning till 6:00.  At that time, I will be heading to my sister-in-law's for a Christmas Eve open house.

I hope everyone has a safe and warm holiday with the ones you love.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 12/23/08 8:43 pm - PA
Happy and Merry Everything to Everyone!  I hope all have a restful, relaxing holiday full of love and joy.  Today finds me the birthday girl.  LOL.  Happy to me!  I am getting pedicures with my daughter and then watching videos and hanging together.  It's a very quiet holiday comparatively speaking but I stay focused on all the blessings I have in my life.  Especially this board as it is a foundation to my every day. 

Liz R.
on 12/23/08 8:46 pm - Easton, PA
(deactivated member)
on 12/23/08 9:35 pm
Happy Birthday , Keri!!!!  I hope your day is as great as you are!!

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