Repeat after me...I will NOT eat sugar...

(deactivated member)
on 12/18/08 2:27 am
I rarely ate sugar pre op...wasn't my thing...carbs were my addiction. 

Why do I have the need to eat it now?  Sugar makes me sick...more so now than ever before.  I swear I have eaten 5 pounds of sugar this week alone. Some demons from my past have been rattling my cage this week....I guess sugar has been my way of dealing with them...better than alcohol or smoking I guess...but still not great!!  It's been a vicious cycle.  I don't even like sugar that much...sometimes not at all, but it's like a demon inside me takes over and I eat it.  I don't have sugar items at home...but the office...OY!  That's another story.  It's like a crack den around here...and I am a crack ***** on a binge.  I am working late, after most people leave....I am taking ALL the cookies, candy, etc and dumping it in the trash.  It might be selfish of me, but lets face one else here needs that crap either!!

We heard confessions of sugar eatting last night at Barix (I won't rat anyone out here LOL).  Glad to know I am not the only one struggling with it, although I wish all of us that are struggling with something didn't have to.  But, thats life and we learn to deal, right?

I have now been on the sugar free wagon since 6 PM last thats  19 hours, 26 minutes and 55 seconds.    I have actually caught myself rocking back and forth like someone going through withdrawl.  I have replaced my sugar need with liquids....mostly decaf coffee and crystal light.....I am peeing every ten minutes but its good exercise trudging off to the potty so often.  I think my kidneys are going to start revolting pretty soon!  My bladder is not on speaking terms with me as of 10 minutes ago.  Of course, people are starting to look at me funny since I am coming in and out of the office so much.  I have signs all over the kitchen and my work area that read "no sugar!"  and "sugar is the devil"   I think I am going to buy a stun gun and zap myself every time I get the urge.....

sugar sucks!  If you have been smart enough so far NOT to try it, DON"T!!!

on 12/18/08 2:48 am - Levittown, PA
"It's like a crack den around here...and I am a crack ***** on a binge."    LMAO!!!!

I am one that has not had sugar...I enjoy my sugar free things just as much!!!  Found a yummy chocolate cake with icing at Shoprite and it only had 100 or so calories in a slice and there were five servings.

I am dealing right now with having eaten 3 peppermint patties, sugar free of course, but I've been in the bathroom and farting up a storm.   No one come to visit me or I'll probably blow you into outer space!!!  Not pleasant at all.  So guess what I'm not buying anymore....yes, you guessed it....peppermint patties!!!  Talk about the devil...boy is my tummy not right at this minute!!!

And, Heather, go ahead and throw that stuff away're right...nobody needs it and you're doing everyone a favor for sure!!!

Here's to the next 24 hours being sugar free and the next after that....keep on going, girlfriend, you'll be just fine without it!!!



(deactivated member)
on 12/18/08 2:56 am
Unfortunately, the sugar free stuff makes me just as sick, if not sicker! 

I have to restart the sugar clock...just took an itty bitty bite of a cookie...threw the rest away, but I took a bite....I think there is something seriously wrong with me!  I am going to change all my "no sugar" signs to "no sugar you dumb ass fool!!" signs.

on 12/18/08 2:50 am - Lancaster, PA
those demons make us behave in ways that hurt us. That is why even though sugar is not your thing, and you know it makes you sick you eat it anyway. You are wanting to punish yourself for some reason.
SO I SAY STOP IT ! Step away from the sugar LOL Let some 5  yo with a black belt kick your ass if you want to punish yourself. Said with lots of love of course
(deactivated member)
on 12/18/08 2:59 am
you are absolutely right Nicole!

on 12/18/08 3:36 am - Aston, PA
I have a seven year old with a red belt who would be happy to kick your ass!!! 


(deactivated member)
on 12/18/08 4:03 am
It's very lonely at the bottom of the belt rainbow LOL  He can kick my ass any day!  How long has he been taking karate?  I think mommy and daddy should join in....we have a few parents who have started after watching their kids move up in the belt rank.

Love the new pic, Debi!!!

on 12/19/08 12:02 am - Aston, PA

Craig started karate July 06, when he was 4 years 9 months old.  Mark doesn't normally start them until they are 5 or 6...  but Craig begged to start early!  LOL  I would love for Gary to start Karate.  Mark teaches kickboxing and I keep saying I am going to take the classes.  I did them before surgery, but haven't gotten back since...  I miss it!

Thanks for the compliement on the new photo.  I thought it was about time I put a new one on!



on 12/18/08 6:00 am

Is that our Debi???  Damn look fabulous!

on 12/19/08 12:03 am - Aston, PA
aw shucks!  thank you!  I thought it was time for a new photo!


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