Wanted to share with everyone
Hello everybody I just wanted to share with my new friends some great news that I reveived last week.. I was informed that the end Of January I will be testing/demoing for my 2nd degree blackbelt. I must say that I was a little shocked becasue I had missed some cless time. BUt Mr Nackord decide that I was looking good with my movement and I the time is grade to be eligible so he is promting me.. The cool thing bout this that day there will black belt promotions from 1st degree through 8th degree. I'm really excited.. Just think 1/2 years ago I was 534lbs struggling though a karate class and made it to a green belt now I'm a month away from a 2nd degree black belt..
I think the best part is I walked in to my first meeting weighing 510 lbs and Mr Nackord didn't even thin twice about it.. That was in April of 2002. I've come a long way since that day.
Well I just thought I'd share that with everyone.
I think the best part is I walked in to my first meeting weighing 510 lbs and Mr Nackord didn't even thin twice about it.. That was in April of 2002. I've come a long way since that day.
Well I just thought I'd share that with everyone.