TMI - Female Urinary Issues - WLS related?

Pam Hart
on 12/16/08 7:08 am - Easton, PA first off this is probably TMI.

Second off, as a nurse, I feel like I should probably be able to figure this out on my own....but I'm lost.  (then again...I suppose that is why there are doctors, too...)

So for the past few days I've had some urinary issues.  It is NOT a UTI.  There's no burning, my urine is sediment....nothing like that.  However....I am having these "bladder spasms" as best I can tell.  Where I am fine one second and the next second I'm lucky I don't need a depends on.  Intense does not begin to describe it.  I don't urinate a lot by any means when this happens...but it's not like the teaspoon or two you get with a UTI

I have noticed, ironically enough, that when I load myself up with fluids it DECREASES.  It's when I back off on my fluids that it increases.  So...when I'm drinking a lot of fluids I go to the bathroom normally.  But when I "forget" my fluids (like today while I was baking....) it happens all the time.

The only thing besides UTI that came to my mind was something like a prolapsed bladder.  I have no risk factors for that (which is generally older, post child birth/pregnancy/obesity)  now, granted...Obviously I WAS obese....but not for the past 8 mos or

I'm wondering if LOSING weight can make you prone to a prolapsed bladder?  Or if anyone else has had an issue such as this?  Obviously I will be keeping close tabs on it and going to a doctor (of course first I would need to GET a doctor which is something I have yet to do since moving...) if it gets much worse or even if it stays the same and doesn't improve.  Not for nothing I'm 28...and am quite upset about this most recent development.  I feel like I'm either 3 or 93....either way not able to "hold it"


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/16/08 7:35 am - Delmont, PA

The same thing happened to me after my surgery.  I know what a bladder infection and this wasnt it.   All I had was the same spasms.   I noticed the same thing.  If I drank my water I was fine.  If I dont drink enough the spasms come back.   This may sound stupid but I look at it as a warning that I might be dehydrating.   I start drinking water again and it goes away.


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Pam Hart
on 12/16/08 8:41 am - Easton, PA
It doesn't sound stupid...I can't quite figure out the correlation between the lack of fluids and this.  I KNOW I am well hydrated.  I had 90 ounces of decaf/sf fluids in a 12 hour shift last 12 ounces before I left the 12 more when I got that's well over 110 ounces in a 14 hour period of time.  Now....I got home and started baking and not drinking my it had been about 6 hours and only drank about 20 ounces total...still...well over the 64 in a 24 hour period.

I did, however....start drinking a whole lot more after my post...and it hasn't happened in the past few hours.


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with this bizzarre problem.  Perhaps we should write a thesis on it...we could have the "WLSUS" ("Weight Loss Surgery Urinary Syndrome") named in medical books for years and be heroes!!

Thanks so much Diane!!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/16/08 9:49 am - Delmont, PA

I've had bladder issues for years.   My dr thinks I have MS but dont have an lesions on my brain yet.   I always attibuted my problems to that and my weight.

I was concerned that drinking more would make this problem worse.  I used to wake up several times a night and could barely make it to the bathroom. (ok sometimes I didnt make it).   I fondly refered to it as the pee pee dance. (That mad dash to the bathroom)   I've noticed that the more I drink the less I pee and the less problems I have.   I also noticed since giving up caffiene that any time I even get a trace of it.... it causes that spasm feeling in my bladder.

I can sleep through the night now and make it to the bathroom.  I still do the pee pee dance at times.

I know there is a vaginal surgery they can do if it has to do with prolapse.  I will check into that after i've lost all my weight.


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/08 7:36 am
oh honey,.,.there is NO such thing as TMI with me LOL.....Come to girls night at my house some time and I will show you how little bladder control I have after one too many adult beverages LOL.  I squirt pee when I do jumping jacks at karate....I squirt pee if i sneeze too hard...I squirt pee if i cough too much....When I have to pee, I have to pee NOW...not later, NOW!  I have gotten into the habit of unbuttoning/zipping my pants on the way up to the bathroom at home...I have now caught myself doing it twice in the hallways at work....forgetting of course that i am NOT at home and cant walk around the office building with my business hanging out for all too see Sometimes I pee every 10-30 minutes for hours on end.  Give me the slightest bit of caffine and i am a lost cause...might as well hook up my phone and computer to the toilet...cause I will be peeing non stop.  Sometimes the urge is extreme...sometimes there is a lot, sometimes a trickle.  The good thing is...I no longer wake up several times a night to pee

I am currently( yes, as i sitt here typing this as well) doing kegel (spelling?) exercises in the AM and PM...that was my gyno's cure for stopping the jumping jacks pee problem....we will see how it works.  If not, more drastic measures will be taken (buying stock in depends LOL....NO , not really). There is some kind of contraption you can stick up your hoo ha (like my medical terminology??)  to hold up the bladder wall.  Kind of like a diaphram.  She said to try this first...

****now I have to to you later

on 12/16/08 7:40 am - Delmont, PA
::crossing my legs and thinking.... I'm not STICKING anything in THERE!::

Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Pam Hart
on 12/16/08 8:35 am - Easton, PA
Yes, kegel is spelled correctly.

Yes...I LOVE the medical terminology...I believe hoo ha was on page 1,064 of my A&P book.

And that thing that is stuck into the hoo ha is a called a pessery I believe.  Now THAT spelling might be off...

Funn you should mention the caffeine, because today (which was one of the worst days hence why I finally posted...) I actually had a diet coke....something I have about once a month....and it wasn't caffeine free...and the last time I had caffeine was in the summer on accident when the morons at Dunkin Donuts made my coffee wrong, and I didn't know I had caffeine (20+ ounces of it I might add****il I was shaking around like a seizure patient without their meds.  Maybe that has something to do with it.

Brian has diagnosed me with "cold shrinking bladder syndrome" which is his determination of when it is cold outside you have the urge to urinate more.  That's not it.

Kegels are supposed to work to some degree...but not for all and not for some severities.

I've actually gone a couple of hours of not having this issue....which has been nice.  I have the stress incontinence issue as well with the sneezing and what not....which Kegels should help (now if I can get into the habit of doing them)  The funny thing about these episodes is it comes out of absolute NO WHERE...just standing or laughing, jumping jacks, sneezing, coughing needed.

Thanks for the imput and the laugh (and I held my pee while laughing, thank you very much) and the insite.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/08 10:18 pm
Heather ...You just  made my morning! 
Thanks for sharing.....
on 12/16/08 8:38 am - Lancaster, PA
yal crack me up. I have not had this problem thankfully, But  I hope you get some relief
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/08 9:47 am - Poconos, PA
Hi Pam,

I had a problem last year with bladder pain and urinating blood. It turned out that I had just passed a stone but while I was researching about it, I came across a lot of different information about what you're describing. From what I read, there are actually certain foods and even vitamins believe it or not that can irritate the bladder and cause it to spasm. I looked it up and on the list of possible suspects are highly acidic or spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks such as apples, apple juice, cantaloupes, chilies, chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee including decaf, cranberries, grapes, guava, mayo, nutrasweet, peaches, pineapple, plums, strawberries, tea, tomatoes, vinegar, vitamin b complex, bananas, sweet & low, alcohol, processed meat and fish, tofu and yogurt. Have you recently started eating or drinking any of these for the first time since surgery or maybe increased the amount you're consuming of them?

The only other things I can think of other than a UTI which you already know you don't have are interstitial cystitis or bladder stones but aren't some of those symptoms the same as a UTI which you're not having any symptoms of?

I wish I knew what else it could be and I sure hope you find the answer and start feeling better soon!
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