***Sunday Roll Call***

Pam Hart
on 12/13/08 3:26 pm - Easton, PA
Well now...what is everyone doing today?

Me...I will try desperately to sleep.  It started off with hubby's friend saying he wanted to come up to see the new place...fine...but now the friend is bringing his wife...his 2 year old...and his 12 year ADHD/bipolar son.  Who will all be "quiet" ha!  Oh...and now his parents ALSO want to come up as well.  And his mother has been sick. 

So I'm ticked....because I don't get along with his parents...I'm not fond of the two kids coming up on a weekend where I have to work...AND regardless...I hate waking up to a whole bunch of people in my house.  I mean...it's like you guys waking up at 6am to go to work to find a living room full of people who have been up "all night" and are just thrilled to see you. 

Sorry for the tangent guys.  Just not a happy camper about the whole idea....and hubby knows it.

So - my goal for today - is to get home, take a shower, medicate myself with nyquil and benadryl (I'm not physically sick...it will just help with the sleeping thing) and try to fall asleep before anyone else steps foot in my door.

That's it!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/13/08 7:45 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning everyone!!!

Pam--I feel for you!!  I take my sleep very seriously and I hate it when people are over or the girls have a sleepover...ugh!!  Hopefully you will sleep soundly and avoid all the guests!! 

As for me today, I am heading to church, then home to do homework and grade tests, etc.  Hopefully hubby will food shop alone or with the girls because I am not going to have time to go with him.   Shopping for food with that man is a two hour excursion....ugg (no thank you not today!!! LOL)

Other than that not much on tap...just some laundry and some work.  Maybe I'll even get to read a non school related book for a little while!!!

Yesterday was fun we went to a Christmas party.  Everyone said I looked good in my jeans!! (YAY!!!)  But I was a bit sad...it was like a baby explosion in there....which just reminded me of how loud my biological clock has been ticking (and as most of you know being able to get pregnant was ahuge part of my decison to have rny) but I know I will be a mommy someday!! Right now I will just enjoy my neice and nephews !!

Hope everyone has a terrific day!!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 12/13/08 8:21 pm - Douglassville, PA
Good Morning Pam and Laura,

Pam I feel for you on the sleep thing. I would be pissy too.

Today I'm going to church, BJ's, and the gym. The rest of the day I must start wrapping gifts. My dining room looks like a department store exploded in there.

Have a great Sunday everyone.


Teresa O

RNY 4/1/2008


Patricia R.
on 12/13/08 9:24 pm - Perry, MI
Oh Pam, I would kill Brian, call the anticipated guests and invite them to the funeral.  Your sleep is much more vital this weekend, than him socializing.  Just my selfish, divorced woman who lives alone perspective on things.  I guess that is why I am divorced.  Hmmm. 

Anywho, I am not sure what today holds other than a trip to the post office to mail a tax bill, car insurance and Christmas cards to soldiers in Iraq.  Knowing what I know about the military post offices, they will probably receive the cards by Easter.  My kids had a blast signing them.  I got the addresses from a website called www.anysoldier.com  They are all from Pennsylvania units, some from the Philly area.  I bought some cheap greeting cards at Wal-Mart.

I also have to finish the cleaning project I started.  I shampooed my carpets and now have to put things away.  I am also painting a wooden alphabet train with my granddaughter's name.  It is cute because each train car is a letter in her name.  I got the letters and paint on sale at AC Moore.

Other than that, I will probably wrap presents because the Munchkin and my daughter are arriving in town late Tuesday night.  They will be here for dinner on Wednesday.

Have a great day.  Hope you get your sleep.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 12/13/08 10:07 pm - Easton, PA
What a great idea for the soliders in iraq and your class!  That is awesome!

Brian took my pissy little self very seriously...and told his parents that if they come they better come after 6pm (I leave by 6:15...) and explained why.  His friend is still coming up...and we assume the kids....but that was something I was half prepared to deal with anyway.

The only reason I get pissy about my sleep on work days is due to the real potential of medication errors.  It's obvious that the more tired you are, the higher chances for mistakes.   One of my friends said to me once "It's one thing if I ring up the wrong price and over charge someone $20...it's another thing if you draw up the wrong amount of medication and kill someone"  Very very very VERY true and VERY scary.

I am probably also PMS-ing because I found myself just being angry at a LOT today....the guy who didn't make his left hand turn quick enough...the woman in front of me at the grocery store who couldn't find her coupon and took forever to check out...the stop light for being red...the rug for being on the floor, LOL

Well, I'm getting my hiney to bed in a few minutes and hopefully will wake up on the right side of MY bed...not the wrong side of whoever's bed I woke up in last night (sarcasm noted...)

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/13/08 9:55 pm - PA

GM -

Sunday has me running around again like a crazed woman.  I am back out finishing up the shopping, then wrapping and also finish gettting the decorations up in the house, housework never ends and then I have 'work work' to finish before I climb back on that airplane out of town late tonight.

These days I have been flying to snowey Madison, Wisconsin.  It's been an adjustment to the cold since loosing my big fat suit - but proudly I can say that 4 out of 4 days last week - I got in my run (in 5 degree weather)!!

Pam - I can feel your 'pain' in the post - but as an 'old' woman here is my advice. Please try to get through it.  It's only a day or two and not much of a time committment in the grand sceme of things.  Beleive me, as I look back there are plenty of 'family' I wish I could do without (especially the inlaws ...err ex inlaws) - but its a sacrifice needed as you are part of his family now too and you never know what the future may hold.

I also hear ya on the 'sleep' factor.  There are days when I have so much to do that its not a falling asleep thing for me - its - "ok I only have 3 hours that I can close my eyes before I have to be someplace".  Insteat of nyquil and benadryl pick up some melatonin.  It is not a drug but a natural supplement.  It's much better for you for sleep than the OTC drug remedies.

Kim Z 


Pam Hart
on 12/13/08 10:03 pm - Easton, PA
I hear you on the family thing....it's the friend thing with the kids that are really ticking me off.  Especially considering I only work 3 days a week (although this is four in a row for me due to working the last two days of last week and the first two days of this week....)  I play the good daughter in law and what not...and generally don't even  mind being behind on sleep....EXCEPT when I have to go to work.

I take sleep before work very very seriously only because of all the hundreds of thousands of medication errors that are potential and the real possibility of killing somebody.  The last thing I want (or need) is to make a medication error that could harm someone because "I was to tired" or misread something or made some sort of "stupid" mistake.  The stories in the news are real about that...and it's one of the things about nursing that absolutely scares (and it should) the **** out of me.

I did end up picking up some calms forte today instead and see how it works.

One night won't kill me...just not my idea of a safe time.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 12/13/08 10:30 pm - York Haven, PA
VSG on 12/02/14
Good morning everyone..Just thought I'd pop in, if you dont mind.....It is 9:27 am here in York, Pa...I am just drinking coffee and reading the paper on the PC. I am going for breakfast with my DH to our local diner, ( I love their Egss Benedit) spelling??? I know when I get banded I wont be able to have these....Then I am going to my daughters to paint and hang wall paper then to Valley Forge, Pa. to pick up a pellet stove for my daughter...See got it on Ebay....Then home to wrap gifts....Have a Great Day...Lucky

  2/09 pre. 264.7            214 lbs. Band removal.  4/29/20014       revision to sleeve 12/2/14  243.4

on 12/14/08 1:45 am - Lancaster, PA
Hi. All.
Pam get some sleep your have a serious job to do. LOL

I am doing nothing today, in my pj's jason just helped me bath and wash mey
hair, He gets so nervous about it.

Sitting walking and healing are on the agenda,

I cannot wait to go back in on tuesday and get this dagum drain out.
(deactivated member)
on 12/14/08 9:23 am - Kirkwood, NY
Hi all! Today was an exciting day for me. My husband woke me up when he got home from work at 9am and we decided to go to church today. Had morning worship at 10:45am and then after worship we decided to visit his family. We had a great afternoon with his sister and parents and children. Then my husband and I decided to go to evening service..watched a video on the chapter Luke in the bible. Was very interesting. I am still waiting for an appointment for a sleep study from my PCP doctor to set up. I have no idea why I am having a hard time scheduling this dang sleep study. I have called the local sleep lab myself after waiting a week on my PCP to set up an appt. Obviously, he is to dang busy to set up the dang appt. Come to find out I have to have a visit with one of the sleep study drs and have to have him set up the appt. UUGHHH?!?!?! So I guess I better call my PCP tomorrow and see what he is doing and why I do not have one yet. I see how easy it is for everyone else to set up their appt but I am having a hard time with it. I did get my blood work done and I should receive the results for that tomorrow. I had the blood work done on Tuesday and they said only 3 days it would take for the results. I guess I will be calling my PCP office tomorrow and see where I stand on my results and my appt for the dang sleep study. I have to get these done so I can receive a date fro my surgery. However, I am still waiting on approval from insurance company also...and I think that they will approve anyways. I talked to them before hand and read their policy on how they approve. We will see how everything goes. I will update tomorrow. Now I am just hanging out at home while my husband watches football on TV.

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