OT: Prayers for a family

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/08 2:20 am - Poconos, PA
Hello everyone,

There are always many posts about what *we* need as far as prayers and good thoughts which is always a wonderful thing but I thought it would be nice if we could all just take a moment to think about and send well wishes/prayers to the family of the man who are suffering right now because of the horrible tragedy at Walmart yesterday. For those who may not know, a 34 year old Walmart worker was trampled to death yesterday as 2,000 customers bombarded their way through the front doors to try and ensure that they would save a few bucks on Black Friday sale items.

To make matters worse, when the police arrived and were trying to revive the man, some of these customers showed no compassion what so ever and went as far as pushing the police out of the way so they could get into the store. It was announced that the store would be closing and people needed to leave because an employee was killed and an investigation needed to be started and some of the customers became irate and allegedly starting yelling "I'm not going anywhere. I've been on line since yesterday and I'm getting my stuff. You're gonna have to carry me out of here if you want me to leave" and they continued shopping as though nothing had gone on.

The police are in fact reviewing all the security tapes with the hopes of identifying the people who actually trampled this poor man and they *will* prosecute any person they find is responsible for this man dying. Personally, I hope they find every last one of these people and not only prosecute them but hope they are found guilty and are punished to the fullest extent of the law. What these people did was not only senseless but cold hearted and in no way understandable or forgivable in my honest opinion. There is no argument as far as I'm concerned for putting a sale above the life of another human being.

It's absolutely horrible what happened and there was no need for any of it. What kind of person shows no regard for the safety of another and not only tramples them but then others do nothing to help them? My sister was actually just a few feet away next door at Home Depot when this all happened and she said it was a horrifying scene. She said so many people were arguing with the police, wanting to get into the store to do their shopping and they just seemed to not have a care in the world as to what was happening. It's so sad that this happened and even sadder that it could have all been prevented by a little common sense and common courtesy of your fellow man.

My heart goes out to the family of this man. I hope they are able to stay strong and get through such a difficult time in their lives. I also hope they can find some comfort in knowing that some of these people may actually be prosecuted.

Hugs to all of you.
(deactivated member)
on 11/29/08 3:39 am - Breinigsville , PA
This whole situation disgusts me !! I am appalled at such selfishness. My thoughts and prayers are with this man's family. What a senseless loss!!
Shannon O.
on 11/29/08 4:38 am - Reading, PA
where did this happen at? And people don't understand why I think Black Friday is so evil... I have now worked 4 black fridays and it just brings out the ugly in people... ugh... but I wonder what they are doing for that poor man's family...

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/08 4:53 am, edited 11/29/08 6:58 am - Poconos, PA
It happened in Valley Stream, NY.

You're absolutely right about it being so evil. It seems like people forget how to act human on Black Friday. I remember when I was a kid, it was bad but now a days it's 10 times worse and people will literally fist fight with one another over a stupid toy??? Come on! Seriously, stop acting like animals for crying out loud.

They should do away with Black Friday all together. How many more people need to die before these retail giants will put the safety of their workers or anyone for that matter before the $$ they make?
Dennis Belk
on 11/29/08 4:46 am - Philadelphia, PA
Morning Val & Everyone,
It's such a tragic story and such an unnecessary cir****tance. Here's a link from our local paper http://www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081 129/NEWS/81129011

It happened at a Walmart in Valley Stream, just outside NYC. Our local Walmart in East Stroudsburg had armed guards at the entrances b/c of a bomb threat. I heard another Walmart story in Mt Pocono where there was a shooting incident over a parking space. In my town, Brodheadsville, there was a tragic fire destroying 3 longtime businesses. Mike's Pizza, Chocalateers and the New Winner chinese restaurant. No one was hurt but it happened the morning of Thanksgiving. The incident is still under investigation. There's a major threat out of NYC were terrorists have supposedly targeted the city subway system. There were the tragic actions in Mumbai, India this week. The world can get crazy in a hurry. The violence, the lousy economy, loss of jobs, the bailouts, the spoiled athletes, etc. 

Unfortunately there will be many stories like this and my heart goes out to all those who are harmed by insensitivity, neglect and greed. This a time of year when we need each other, not stomp each other.

When you go out be mindful of what may be out there and try to be prepared and avoid the inconsiderate, but also know that kindness and good deeds are even more plentiful in our world so don't let the bad around us harden your hearts.

*Jennifer Juniper*
on 11/29/08 6:07 am - Philly Girl, PA
Just insane. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Animals is the perfect description. So sad.

"If you see a man on top of a mountain, he did not fall there"
Pam Hart
on 11/29/08 6:24 am - Easton, PA

That's a great idea.

I had heard about this story briefly at work yesterday - but didn't know all the details.

People are insane.  Just insane.  And this proves it.

My thoughts, prayers, and heart go out to the man and his family.  Nobody needs to go through this especially during the holidays - and to make matters worse - as an employee.   He HAD to be there.

Thank you.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 11/29/08 7:12 am - Perry, MI
Materialistic greed just disgusts me.  People have no clue what is important in this life.  People, family, friends are important.  Material possessions are just things.  They will burn away in the fires of hell.

My prayers are with this person's family and friends as they try to make sense of senseless greed.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Shannon O.
on 11/29/08 7:49 am - Reading, PA
I think if the holiday is a federal holiday (like Thanksgiving) places like malls, etc should be closed. Only places that should be opened should be hospitals, hotels, gas stations and only certain drug stores and grocery stores... no midnight openings of stuff becasue the fed gov't isn't open at midnight... normal hours... 8am etc...

I'm so glad that my old mall when I was a retail manager never did midnight madness crap because they realized they would never bring in enough money to cover all the people working for them... aka guards and clean up crews etc... I know that Lane Bryant didn't bring in the bucks at midnight... sorry not worth it. I hope Wal-Mart takes this seriously and ends midnight madness forever!

When Jeremy and I were driving back from Hershey from thanksgiving dinner at his grandparents house the line around the Reading Best Buy was already wrapping around the building at 8pm... sorry I think they are stupid lol..

John T.
on 11/29/08 1:23 pm, edited 11/29/08 1:52 pm - PA
Truthfully in this day and age, the easiest thing to do for all of us would be to have a Black Friday Internet sale. Whoever is fastest with the "buy now" button wins, plain and simple. The amount of gas that it would save this country alone is unthinkable. No more waiting in lines... no more fighting over the Tickle Me Elmos etc!!

I have never participated in a Black Friday sale because quite simply - my time is valuable. Waiting on line for 6 hours to get into Best Buy or a Walmart then to wait another hour or two to purchase and all to save 50 bucks on a blu-ray player, amounts to me losing probably a hundred dollars of my time. I am also a firm believer that I shouldn't have to work harder to spend my money than I do to earn it.

My heart goes out to this man and his family and I hope they find these animals and prosecute. To the people at the Walmart store: I hope you, your kids or family members realize what those presents REALLY cost come Christmas day when you open your gifts. May god have mercy on your soul!
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