****Saturday Roll Call****

Patricia R.
on 11/28/08 1:47 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
Did you ever have so much physical pain, you just wanted to curl up and go numb?  I was there on Friday.  In addition to my usual pain, I developed a whopper of a sinus infection, with the accompanying headache that reached migraine proportions.  I almost went to the ER it was so bad last night.  My doc gave me an antibiotic and the medrol dose pack to help me, but it did not work fast enough for me yesterday. 

I managed to get through Friday without hitting a regular retail store.  I did go to a drug store and get some stuff on sale, and then to the grocery store for some rations, but none of the biggies.  Too sick.  Maybe illness can be good sometimes. 

Saturday has me waiting for the Comcast dude to hook up my cable box, because Techno Queen here can't figure it out.  I hate snowy screens and just can't handle this hook-up thing.  I managed to hook up the first box no problem,  This one is giving me grief.

After that, I hope to get some tidying done, and find my carpet.  I would like to shampoo it sometime soon, but first have to reveal it to the world, from under all the crap I leave around.

I hope you all have a great day.  Stay healthy or get healthy, which ever applies to each of you.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 11/28/08 1:59 pm - Easton, PA

Techno Queen - I LOVE it!  I can honestly say - and it drives me nuts to say this - if hubby wasn't here I would be in the same boat.  Hell - I'm not sure if I would even be on this board!

Anywho - hope Saturday finds you feeling much less in pain.

One of four things will be happening today - all of which depends on how I feel.

A)  Go to the Crossings outlets.  Hubby and I have wanted to get there.  He is a huge shop a holic and doesn't mind crowds and what not - so shopping this weekend won't be a big deal for him (and me)
B)  Go to Lehigh Valley Mall.  He mentioned it might be to cold out to do the crossings thing
C)  Go to a girlfriends of mine (the same one I had dinner w/ last night.  She's about an hour away...and has made a few trips to my new place already.  Before we threw together getting together for dinner last night...we had tentative plans to hang out today.  We shall see)
D)  Stay curled up on my couch doing much of nothing

Obviously; A-C is dependent on how I feel.  If I don't feel well then D automatically wins.  I refuse to push myself, I have to much to do that must be done over the next couple of days and definately want to kick this cold and soon.

I echo Trish's comment.  Stay or get healthy!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 11/28/08 2:12 pm - Perry, MI
Hey Pam,
What is really scary is my best friend says I am a whiz on the computer, and my sons say I am a cool mom because I can text and send pictures on my cell phone.  I just can't hook up my damn TV to the Cable box.  I am proud to say that when my puter needed new RAM, I actually purchased it and installed it myself.  I am also proud to say that when I need help at school hooking something up, I call a student who gets it done in half the time it takes me.  I ain't to proud to yell "HELP!" 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Michelle U.
on 11/28/08 6:47 pm - Corning, NY
Good morning!

All is good today!  It will be hectic as my daughter has play practice all afternoon and then they are singing at the tree light up and marching in the parade!  So, basically I will be busy from 1pm until 8pm!  Once I drop her off I have to go pick a couple things up for her costume.  They are doing Bah Humbug but instead of Ebenezor Scrooge it is Elenora Scrooge who is a Fashion Designer...very cute!

I have downed my first glass of water this morning...only 7 more to go to get to my first small goal.

Trish and Pam, I hope you both get to feeling better!!! 

Live, Love, Laugh!!
on 11/28/08 8:58 pm - Perkasie, PA
Good morning,
Last night I came home, got something to drink, watched an incredibly stupid old Sharon Stone movie and went to sleep...lol.

Today I have work from 9 - 3:30, and I have to study for my big (but last) anatomy & physiology exam on Monday. That's about it, oh yeah---laundry!!! Woohoo! I'll be high on april-fresh scent.



on 11/28/08 9:35 pm - Levittown, PA
Good Saturday morning everyone!!!

Well, I survived Black Friday as a first-time shopper and as a first-time retail worker.  I decided on Thursday night, after seeing a razor scooter for $4 cheaper at Toys R Us than at Target, that I would weather the crazies in the storm and go for it, even though I had to be at Macy's at 9:30 a.m. and wor****il 6 p.  So off I go at 4:45 a.m. to Toys R Us.  And OMG what I saw when I got to Toys R Us was just insane.  The line went from the front of the store to the back of the store and around the parking lot.  I'm like saying to myself, "WTF are you doing here??"  But I stayed and at 5:00 a.m. they opened the doors, I'm thinking I'm not even going to get in and once I get in, I'm not even going to get the scooter.

Well, at 5:18 I was back in the car, scooter in hand!!!  WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!  That was definitely an experience :)  Then I ran to Sears, because I knew the mall was open, bought some Phillies gear there, that I'm probably taking back because it wasn't really on sale, just bought it to kill some time before Target opened at 6:00.  Then off to Target I go to get 2 DVDs!!  LMAO!!!!  Especially when I saw the line.  Even crazier than Toys R Us.  I got there at 5:50.  Waited with all the crazies, ran in to get 2 DVDs, bought a helmet for Connor's scooter, and was home by 6:30.  I even got confused because the sun still hadn't come up and I forgot what time it was!! LMAO.  It was definitely an experience and one I shall not soon forget.  I got home and no one was up, so I went back to bed until 8:00 and then got ready to go to Macy's.  Macy's was fine, just steady business.  And before I knew it I was home.  So I survived Black Friday!!!

Anywho, now that I've rambled for way too long, the agenda today is taking Connor to bowling at 11:00.  After that, I have no idea.  I have to get some transcribing done and clean the house and maybe do some laundry.  But that's about it.  I would like to go out dancing tonight, but haven't talked to my SIL about what she's doing.  She's the one I usually go out with, as all my other friends are attached with husbands and kids and it's not so easy getting them all together...she has kids too but every other weekend their dad has them.  So we'll see what happens.  If no dancing, then I will sit home and relax and just straighen up the house, which doesn't sound like much fun, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

All right...well, have a great day everyone!!!



on 11/28/08 9:59 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Gm everybody not a good day didnt get in till late last night cause i always have to push myself after shopping and PATS yesterday from 4:30 am i decided to go play texas hold em with family well didnt get in till 3am well my wonderful dog decided he couldnt hold it and gave me a present in his cage well i was bathing a dog at 3:45am then layed down till 5:30am cause me the shopper i am had to go to Kohls cause i didnt make it there yesterday now iam sitting here in PJS waiting for doctors office to open cause this damn cold that i thought was allergies is getting worse and iam having surgery in 13days can somebody help cause of lack of sleep and my nose being so raw and my thoart feels like somebody scratched it with a brillo pad iam about ready to cry but i dont have time to cry cause i have so much cleaning and wrapping to do,i feel like calgone take me away so i had to add my whinning to the board i hope everybody else has a much better day then me and i think iam going to soak my head ,while i was typing this my son called he is coming tomorrow to help me finsh everything,i keep telling him he is my favorite lol have a great Sat everybody so for going on and on 
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/08 10:30 pm
Good Morning All~

   I have been uo since 6am I just gcould not sleep anymore between sneezing and coughing last night so I sat up watching the Good Times Marathon...In the mix I hurt my leg which is now bruised and a lump because I went flying getting into the shower last night.  I saw starts and fought back tears it hurt that bad.

   Today I think I want to hit up Target to do some shopping  then take a nap because I am going to see Tina Turner tonight so I need to get drugs to surpress this cold. Then going to dinner before the show with my cousin then we are heading down to the show to meet up with some other freinds.

Trish,Pam and Kim I hope you girlies all get to feeling better~
on 11/28/08 10:38 pm - pottstown, PA
Good Morning to you all! Yesterday found me and my son lugging all the xmas decorations up from the basement!Yes i am in a festive mood,Hubby got the outside done on thanksgiving so i got started on the inside yesterday!,Today will find me running to walmart for my hubby,(and they say women are hard to shop for,UGH) I will enjoy a shopping day to myslef with no kids and no whiney hubby,then home to clean out closets,oh boy!Enjoy you day!Hugs Trish

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

Candace ..
on 11/28/08 10:40 pm - pgh, PA

I hope you feel better soon!  I have a headache myself. I can not take anything but Tylenol and all I have is Tylenol arthritis I guess that counts lol..  I think I drank too much egg nog.

Anyway I have to

1. Finish up the laundry DH started but had to go to work !
2. Clean and vacuum Yayyy meee
3.Finish packing my bag for the hospital and my kids bags for grandma
4..Take a nap ...or maybe I'll do that first lol

Again I hope you feel better!!!!!
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