My surgery is in 3 weeks!
Hi everyone, I'm Gina, and my surgery is scheduled for December 15th, 3 weeks away! I am really beginning to get nervous about post op. I have been through a long process, prior to my health insurance approval for surgery. Six months of seeing a nutritionist, cardiac appts., sleep center appts. (2 overnight stays), a CPAP machine, psychologist, bloodwork, etc. I was soooo busy getting all of the prework done, that I really didn't have time to get nervous. Now that I am finished with everything pre-op, except for my PATs, all I do is think about the surgery. I have had surgery before, so I am not really afraid of it, (hardly looking forward to it) but can't wait to feel good again.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom to share with me to calm me down a bit? I know I am doing the right thing, but I do suffer from anxiety in general, so it's a bit worse these days.
I'm really looking forward to interacting with all of you . . . I'm sure I will need the support - and hopefully I will be able to lend some of my own wisdom to others who go after me!
Does anyone have any words of wisdom to share with me to calm me down a bit? I know I am doing the right thing, but I do suffer from anxiety in general, so it's a bit worse these days.

I'm really looking forward to interacting with all of you . . . I'm sure I will need the support - and hopefully I will be able to lend some of my own wisdom to others who go after me!
Welcome to the boards and you have certainly come to the right place!! This is one big family here who are all full of excellent knowledge.
The advice I give out is something that was said to me a little over a year ago by Dennis who posts here. He once said "Remember you made this decision when you were sane. When your emotions didn't play a part in anything. When you knew the facts and knew what needed to be done to be healthy"
It's ok to be nervous - we've all been there. I said before my surgery I wasn't nervous. I was working a ton of hours and keeping myself occupied so the truth of the matter is I just didn't ALLOW myself to feel nervous. Fast forward to day of surgery - and I was the blubbering moron in the waiting room who cried uncontrollably. All those emotions had piled up inside of me and then came out the day of the procedure. I think it is WONDERFUL that you are admitting yoru feelings this early on.
Concentrate on all the good things that will come of this. There's a good chance that cpap will be gone by this time next year!! As long as you work this tool, the tool will work for you.
Stay close to these boards - these people can get you through just about anything!
Welcome to the boards and you have certainly come to the right place!! This is one big family here who are all full of excellent knowledge.
The advice I give out is something that was said to me a little over a year ago by Dennis who posts here. He once said "Remember you made this decision when you were sane. When your emotions didn't play a part in anything. When you knew the facts and knew what needed to be done to be healthy"
It's ok to be nervous - we've all been there. I said before my surgery I wasn't nervous. I was working a ton of hours and keeping myself occupied so the truth of the matter is I just didn't ALLOW myself to feel nervous. Fast forward to day of surgery - and I was the blubbering moron in the waiting room who cried uncontrollably. All those emotions had piled up inside of me and then came out the day of the procedure. I think it is WONDERFUL that you are admitting yoru feelings this early on.
Concentrate on all the good things that will come of this. There's a good chance that cpap will be gone by this time next year!! As long as you work this tool, the tool will work for you.
Stay close to these boards - these people can get you through just about anything!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hi Gina,
Pam has already given you wonderful advice and there isn't really much I can add. It is completely normal to feel nervous. Perhaps try making a list of all the things you can think of that you have trouble doing now, that you will most likely be able to do much easier after your surgery. That may help to calm you down a bit and help you to look forward to this life-changing journey with anticipation of being able to do many new things.
Also wanted to welcome you to the PA board and we are looking forward to getting to know you better!
Lisa :)
Pam has already given you wonderful advice and there isn't really much I can add. It is completely normal to feel nervous. Perhaps try making a list of all the things you can think of that you have trouble doing now, that you will most likely be able to do much easier after your surgery. That may help to calm you down a bit and help you to look forward to this life-changing journey with anticipation of being able to do many new things.
Also wanted to welcome you to the PA board and we are looking forward to getting to know you better!
Lisa :)