***Monday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 11/23/08 1:15 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I am heading off to bed, but it is officially Monday morning, so I thought I would throw the Roll Call out there first.  Sunday sucked for me big time.  It did not help that the Eagles contributed to my dismal mood in the worst way.  The good news is, I got to talk to the Munchkin on the phone today, and she said, "Hi Mom-mom" several times.  After we talked, or I talked and she listened, for a few minutes, she said, "Bye bye," and hung up on me.  I called back, and my daughter told me she closed the cell phone and walked away.  I got hysterical laughing at that little scamp.

I did get to AC Moore this evening and purchase some stuff.  Everything in the store is 20-50% off.  I bought a Gingerbread House kit for the Munchkin and I to make when she comes home at Christmas time.  I also got an adorable little wooden train thing where every car is a letter in her name, and they connect with magnets.  I am going to paint them pink and yellow for her. 

Monday has me staying home from work, because I am still having way too much pain for my liking.  I am calling the doctor's office to see if they have any cancellations that I can get in right away.  Otherwise it is wait till Tuesday for me.  I am frustrated because the Ibuprofen is barely making a dent in the pain, and I am also taking Tylenol on top of that, and that really is not much better. 

Sorry to be such a whiner.  I am bummed because I lost the weight to be more active and have less arthritis pain, as it was a problem before the surgery.  Now, I am feeling worse than I ever did before, and my mobility is next to nothing. 

I hope everyone has a good day.  It is a short work week for most people. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 11/23/08 6:23 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Trish and Pa!

Trish - you are not a whiner.  Pain is a horrible thing to deal with especially chronically - and that is what you have been going through thus far.  Sorry to hear the ibuprofin and what not is not really making a dent in anything.  I do hope they can get you in soon.  When you said "tuesday" do you mean tomorrow, or next week?  I'll be thinking of you!

I'm a little annoyed today for a stupid reason.  I don't have to be in wor****il 8am instead of 7am.  I was really looking forward to sleeping till 6am as I despise getting up at 5.  So I set the alarm...went to bed....and ended up waking up on my own at 5:03.  couldn't go back to sleep - so I here sit....granted, with an extra hour to just putts around and what not - but I was supposed to be sleeping!  Not to mention I woke up with a raging headache...so that's not helping me at all.

I work from 8-4 today.  It is another classroom type day which is not my favorite, but oh well.

When I get home I'll probably throw a load of wash in.  Brian's parents had come up on Saturday and we have leftovers from dinner with them - so that's what we will have for dinner.  I also want to try to make a few phone calls tonight and check in with some of my friends back in jersey.

Other than that - absolutely nothing to exciting going on here.  Have a wonderful day all!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/23/08 6:32 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA. Well its Monday again but it only a 2 day work week for me. Today is another very sad day while another Philly police officer is laid to rest. GOd cless our men and women in blue.

Today has me at work from 730 to 330. then headed home to possibly dye my hair. I have to run to the market to pick up cake mix and icing - my daughter wants to make a cake for thanksgviing day at my brother's house. I think that is all for me today.

Everyone have a great day and try really try to stay warm.
on 11/23/08 7:34 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
good morning everyone,  I am going to see my PCP for my third month weigh in.

Have a great day, you deserve it

Liz R.
on 11/23/08 8:11 pm - Easton, PA
Good Mroning all! Sure hope that you get answers and feel better soon Trish!

Today has me at work a bit late... oops lol 6:30 - 4. After work it is home to crash. I have a terrible headache and my insides ache - it is a strange feeling. I am way short on sleep after our cookie weekend at my mom's. Tonight I have an early date with my bed! Nothing exciting at all - but I am gearing up for a busy week with Thanksgiving.

Make it a great day

on 11/23/08 9:01 pm - Perkasie, PA
I am going gray.


I know I shouldn't complain, I am almost 41 and many people my age have to dye their hair or it would be all gray. Still. I feel so old.

Eh. I need to find me a lovely young man. lol.

Today I have school, housework and work tonight. I'm making a collage for art history class, hoping that will be fun.

Hoping to get a nap in this afternoon....then I'll saddle up the walker and head out....lol.


Pam Hart
on 11/24/08 6:50 am - Easton, PA
If it makes you feel better (which it probably won't...) when I was 25 (I'm almost 28 now....) I was leaning over a little kid who was one of my patients (he was about 4) and he looked at his mom and said "Look - that lady has silver things in her hair that look like grandmom's!"  Yep - they were my grey hairs.  You can't see them as much when I have it curly...but on the rare days I blow it out straight...you can definately see them if I don't dye my hair.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/23/08 9:19 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everybody - Maybe its the cold that is bothering your arthritis so much, Tri**** seems so much colder this year already. I do hope you're feeling better soon.

I'm at work - short week, tho, so that's nice. Over the weekend I did get about 3/4's of my Xmas decorating done and even make a trek to Lancaster yesterday to return a pocketbook and bought myself some new jammies, a pair of navy slacks and a lovely holiday top to wear to my work Xmas party.

Not much on my agenda - I did get up at 4:40 AM and exercised - something I haven't done in a while and need to get back into the routine. Tonight I'm hoping to get another box or two of Xmas stuff unpacked and put up - trying to streamline some of my stuff but most of my holiday decorations are gifts from friends and relatives and I can't bear to part with them!

Hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/23/08 10:10 pm - Levittown, PA
Good Monday morning everyone!!!

Gosh, I feel so overwhelmed lately.  With working at Macy's and trying to do my full-time job is harder than I thought.  Well, maybe it's because I just got a bunch of jobs that were a lot of pages each and it's taking me longer than it usually does to transcribe everything.  So this morning I will try to get this transcribing done and then I'm off to Center City for a job at 2:00 today.  Then I'll come home and get more transcribing done.  That will be my tune for the next few days, just trying to get everything done.  Once I'm caught up I think I'll be fine with doing both jobs.  We need the money, especially for Christmas, so there's no turning back on Macy's now.  I wish life wasn't so darn hard sometimes.  But you take the good with the bad.

Well, have a great day everyone!!!



Patricia R.
on 11/23/08 10:24 pm - Perry, MI
Hey there,
I empathize with you on the multiple jobs situation.  Try to take some time to rest, even if it is just 10 minutes of meditation.  It will help recharge the battery physically, as well as emotionally.

Hang in there.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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