****TGIF Roll Call****

Patricia R.
on 11/20/08 4:44 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
It is finally Friday.  I am so glad it is too.  I am so exhausted, I may take the day off from work.  The pain is still pretty bad, and I am just wiped out as a result of whatever is going on with my body.  I saw my family doc last night and he said the exhaustion could be part of the inflammation thingy.  I just know I am so depressed at times because of it.

Last night I had the thrill of chatting with my granddaughter on Skype.  I was so depressed when I got home, I called my daughter to see if I could talk to my granddaughter.  She is such a munchkin.  She showed me her belly button and her eyes, nose, teeth, and ears.  She blew me kisses and waved.  When she came one she was eating an apple.  Then she started throwing it on the floor.  When I said something she did not like, she put out her lower lip in such a pout, I almost laughed. 

Anywho, I will probably be calling in sick today.  I already called the hospital I work at to let them know I won't be in this weekend.

Gotta run.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 11/20/08 6:19 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Trish,

I hope getting some extra rest will help you today.  And I second the motion of TGIF.  Although...this week did seem to fly by me - I am still glad today is the last day of the week!

Funny little story about this morning. I guess my scale is getting tired of me.  I got up and did my business then hopped on the scale.  When I first stepped on it, it said "111.5"  Now c'mon....I bounce between 128 and 130 so 111 was completely unrealistic (and actually a little scary)  I thought I had lost some weight based on how my clothing was fitting....but not THAT much!  I stepped on and off it about 10 times with the same result.  Figured, ok, I'm crazy. 

Went about my morning...stepped back on the scale....and it said 201.0  I think it was basically going through numbers as if to say "tell me what number you want to see and I'll show it to you"  Of course...I couldn't let that 201 number be the last one I saw (even though intellectually I knew it was false) so I went on it one last time and got 128.5  I guess considering that is where I've been hanging lately, I'll stick with that number.  I'm thinking it might be time for a new scale.

On to the rest of today.  I am at work from 7-3 as usual.  On the way home I'm stopping at the grocery store to pick up a few items.  Hubby probably won't be home when I get home....so I will be experimenting in the kitchen.  First I have to bake a carrot cake for this Sunday (we are having a pre thanksgiving party with some family in this area)  Then, I want to continue experimenting with a sugar free brownie recipie. I found one yesterday and made it....and OMG...it was awful.  Just awful.  First of all....despite my addition of baking powder (the recipie didn't call for any) they were flatter than some pancakes I've had....they had almost no chocolate flavor to them...and were overly sweet with splenda.  I had a good laugh at it.  My next recipie is my regular brownie recipie - only adapted.  We shall see if that works.

Not sure when hubby will be home....but it will probably be to bed pretty early as that is what we have gotten accustomed to lately with my early work schedule...I'm generally half asleep on the couch by 9:15.

Enjoy your day all!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Liz R.
on 11/20/08 7:50 pm - Easton, PA
Pam - try changing the batteries, and check and make sure that all of the "foot pads" are still in place - I just went through this with my scale. I would get on and off and be anywhere from 13 pounds to 300 pounds....

Arlene E.
on 11/20/08 6:50 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Morning Trish and PA

I really hope you get the rest you need and start to feel better.  

I will start my day with the gym and then do some errands.

Tonight I'm looking forward to going out with some OH friends to a comedy club.


Liz R.
on 11/20/08 7:49 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All! TGIF for sure! I made a mistake at work yesterday that just brought my mood into the toilet - but today I will recover! I am at work 6-4 then off to grocery shop for my mom and head to her house for our cookie weekend! I have several s/f recipies to try and will post them next week if they make the cut.

Trish hope you feel better soon - I think that the rest is a great idea!

on 11/20/08 8:55 pm - Levittown, PA
TGIF!!!!  WOOOOHOOOOO!!!  But not really, because this weekend will be VERY BUSY for me.  Working at Macy's and getting my main job done of transcribing.  I have to turn in like 300 pages by Monday.  So today has me up, just gave Connor and me breakfast.  Now I'm checking out OH and will be getting off of here to get Connor ready and off to school.  I'll come home and get some transcribing done, then jump in the shower and head to get my hair cut.

Tonight my office is already having a Christmas party. They're so retarded.  But I think it's to try to get as many clients out as we can before they all have to go to other parties.  The business hasn't been going so well, and I actually have one foot into another company, even though I've been here for 11 years.  It's just getting crazy where I'm at.  And I can make a lot more money at the other place.  So anyway, after that party, I'm heading to King of Prussia to hang with my cousin at a bar to see her friend's band play.  She's been asking me for three months.  So I promised her this time.  They've played in Collegeville the last couple of times and with the gas the way it was and tolls, it was just too much to go. 

So have a great Friday and Friday night everyone!!!



(deactivated member)
on 11/20/08 9:03 pm
Good morning!  Whats the deal with all the snow???  I love the snow, but this is a bit early, even for me!

Today has me at the office until 3:30, then I will stop and get my nails done.  Later tonight, I am going out with friends to a new night club opening up in Fort Washington.  Lets hope the snow stops and the roads are OK or I am not venturning out, especially onto the turnpike at 9:00 at night. 

Have a good one.

Lesley G.
on 11/20/08 10:18 pm - Allegan, MI
Hi all,

Sorry I've been so quiet again.  I've been sick the last few days with an awful sinus infection. NO FUN.  The ENT's office just called to tell me that I tested positive for staph so I'll need to be on Levaquin for two weeks to kill that off.  Yikes.  I'm trying to focus on the positive and tell myself that at least it was caught and is being treated and hopefully I'll be feeling better by Thanksgiving, and certainly much better in time for my birthday the week after!

Today I'm doing the "work from home" thing since I am all out of sick days from my surgery.  I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday, but I'm thinking that I'll go over later today.  Even if I can just do some walking at a gentle pace on the treadmill, it'll be better than nothing.

Have a good day, all!
(deactivated member)
on 11/20/08 10:37 pm
Today has me in work freezing and tired..I went to see Madonna last night and while she was awesome as always she kept us waiting till 9:30 to start.  Yet once she did it was non stop dancing for 2 hours.

I am in work today then straight home to change and into DJ tonight for Comedy night and spend some times with friends in the crowd,
Tomorrow I want to go shopping for a new WARM winter coat and maybe start to clean and for the first timein 5+ years get ready and put up my Christmas tree.

Busy weekend again!
on 11/20/08 10:38 pm - Butler, PA
Happy Friday to all... I had to look at my computer calendar.. had no idea what day of the week it is!  Sometimes I really hate being a "stay at home", even though I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Took my daughter to get her hair cut and colored for an early birthday present yesterday..  they did such a wonderful job, for under $40!!!!  I'm thinking of having it done as well!!

Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



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