2 Weeks Post-OP
My bandages and steri-strips have all come off. I can honestly say I feel pretty good every day.
I've lost 20lbs (40lbs total) since my surgery. That part amazes me. I figured because I was a light weight that my loss would be slower. To get to my goal of 150lbs I have 66lbs to go.
Clear liquid was tough. Full liquid was easy. I often worried my pouch wasnt small enough because I can drink alot in one sitting. Well I found out yesterday it isnt too big after all. I started puree'd. I had my full liquid most of the day but for dinner I tried my sketti sauce over ricotta cheese. As soon as I didnt feel hungy anymore I gave it to the dogs to finish. Last night at work my stomache started to ache and I was burping and then my dinner went through me. I was miserable and ended up leaving early. Today I tried a little and food got stuck. I think my stomache is not ready for puree yet and I need to stay on full liquid a while longer. Has this happened to anyone else?
PS.. In my "After" photo album I have 3 pics of me. One from april and the last one was yesterday. I was amazed when I saw the change. Check it out if you have time.
I had trouble going through the stages and needed a little extra time with each one.
I can tell you that you may not be able to rely on "not feeling hungry" right now - I know w/ RNY those nerves are cut and you can't really feel the difference...not sure about the lap band...but either way....it probably messes with your "feelings" if you will. I would suggest doing exactly what you are doing - going back to full liquids for a little while. Also...try pureed once a day or once every two days....and take 1/2 of what the serving should be...and eat that realy real slow and see how you do.
Feel better - you'll get through this. I am definately gonna look at your pics...but gotta get off of here and get my arse into the shower for work.
