I Was Approved!!!..Now the Stress Begins??
I am excited and very scared all at the same time. Now I need to break the news to my family. They are very loving and extremely supportive but love to worry and bother me about every little thing. Last summer I had LASIK eye surgery and my Mother had a complete conniption. I hate to think what breaking this news is going to be like!
Anyway, I still have my sleep study and some blood work before I can have my pre-admission testing and set up a surgical date.
I am still not sure if this is definitely what I want. It seems like such a drastic and permanent step. I am also a little nervous about the emotional side of it. I am definitely an emotional eater and I find it hard to believe that I won't want to eat like I do now.
Does anyone have some words of wisdom for me??
It's pretty much all I have been thinking about for months now.
Thanks for your input!
Congrats on the approval! I found that to be the most stressful part, worrying about approval. Comparatively, everything else was a breeze.
Yes, it is a drastic and permanent step. And it will not cure your emotional eating. If you are having doubts, think it through thoroughly and ask advice from your support group. I would also suggest that you have your mind made up and firmly set before you disucss this with family, etc.
WLS is a huge decision. Most people don't make it lightly. Most of us do it to save our lives. My mind was made when I read that 90% of type 2 diabetics who have the surgery never have another symptom. You will be changing your digestive system for good. I think that's hard to comprehend; it hit me in stages. But in the end, I chose gastric bypass for just that reason: after 45 years of trying to do it one way, I was absolutely certain that that way didn't work! I wanted the rest of my life to be different and so I deliberately made a drastic and permanant change.
When you first have surgery, your tastes change. The cravings disappear. It's some kind of miracle and I can't explain it. I didn't believe people when they told me I wouldn't be craving chocolate or pizza or any of that stuff I craved Every Hour of Every Day! But I had no cravings...and that's the time you learn to change your eating habits. As time goes on, the cravings may very well come back and you may be able to eat certain foods again without getting sick, so it is important to use that window of opportunity - that first year - to make the changes in your life that will carry you to permanent success.
I have no regrets at all. WLS changed and saved my life. You just take it day by day, learn, adjust, and enjoy the ride. Good luck to you.
Thanks again for your input. I have a lot to think about. I think it may be a great idea to speak to my family after I have made a definite decision.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Surgery date 7/6/04 Start weight 534 bottom out 224 current 283 holding here for the last year.

Lisa :)