Dr. What's his face from Barix last night
He was really funny last night. Anyone else get good vibes? I think I still want to go to Shauna's doctor in the Poconos, but I'll definately do a consult with him and see what he says.

Dr Lam did seem nice. When I reach my goal I am definately going for a consult not sure hubby will foot the $15,000 PS bill but will try. I do have moisture that accumalates underneath my belly bulge so I will be visiting my Primary Care physician first and then he will refer me to a dermatologist and then I will start my documentation, documentation, documentation. Hey when you get a chance please change my avatar. Pretty please with splenda on top.
I liked the fact that he did not make it sound like a sales pitch. He really positioned it well so that he was *educating* all of us on the procedure and *not selling* us on his services.
I was impressed by the pictures (obviously) and I was impressed by him as a medical professional.
p.s: I'm looking forward to his next presentation

Now, that being said, I want to throw a warning out to all of my friends that were in attendance last night... and I'm going to be very blunt when I say this...
While both Bucks County Plastic Surgery and Barix bent over backwards to try to get my insurance company to cover my plastic surgery, it was not meant to be. I appealed three times and provided additional pictures and documentation each time. Dr. Lam mentioned the key words several times last night... "medical necessity." Unless you can prove that part or all of your reconstructive/cosmetic work is being done due to medical necessity, you will wind up opening your purse, wallet, checkbook, etc. and, when you start stacking procedures (like abdominoplasty and arms or abdominoplasty and breasts or abdominoplasty, thighs and buttocks, etc.) it can become VERY pricy.
I do not write this to discourage any of you. In fact, just the opposite. I couldn't be more thrilled with the results of my plastic surgery. I just don't want you folks to be shocked if you are declined by your insurance company and then, when you find out how much will have to be paid out of pocket, you walk away.
This is far too important for many of you to walk away due to cost. Where there is a will, there is a way... even if it means sacrificing a vacation, selling some stock (LMAO!), using a credit card or going the financing route. YOU WILL LOVE THE RESULTS... please, just make sure that you are prepared for a bit of a bumpy ride getting to your destination.
And, please, feel free to PM me if you should have any questions.
Good luck everyone,
I think you made some good points. I was talking to someone who is having my DREAM surgery!
- Trunk lift
- Abdominoplasty
-brest augmentation ( i just want a lift really, but the idea is the same)
Wowie zowie. that's a new car ( for me anyway I dont' drive a bmw)
I'm totally NOT prepared to pay that right now, but I am going to get it done in bits, probably boobs then trunk then after kids tummy. I guess i'm looking at 6 k a year for the next three years. That is a little more manegable. Like he said, you can stage it.
Perhaps be prepared to enjoy the benefits of one perfect body part for a while then go get the next one. I don'tknow.
I hope more people post, I'm excited to see what more people thought about him.

I have a friend who is an office manager for a PS group up here in Reading and she asked him for me and he said to wait on pretty much everything until after having kids... he said he has seen a lot of money wasted because of what a pregnancy can do to a body....
So, that might not be what you want to hear... but it might also give you a chance to have more "issues" to get it covered... also if you end up with a c-section some OBGYNs do mini tucks to help out...
So, I am waiting to see what happens in the next year... I want to be as close to my goal weight as possible but also to see if we get pregnant again...
As for insurance ALL insurance is NOT equal. And it really depends on how many whistles and bells your employer decides to add to your policy. so while one person may be denied with lets say Blue Cross, another patient may be approved.
For me I had already been approved for a breast reduction a year ago before I decided to have GBS, as it was medically nessecary. (back pain. rashes, co-morbidity with compression fractures in my spine) so I suspect I will be approved again when I am ready. As for the tummy tuck, I am fine if my insurance will pay for the skin removal and I will pay for the "tuck" part.
Regardless I will find a way